Radovi Šumarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu 2024-05-15T20:42:57+00:00 prof.dr. Admir Avdagić Open Journal Systems <p>Radovi Šumarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu posvećeni su objavljivanju izvornih radova, preglednih članaka, kratkih komunikacija i stručnih radova, iz širokog područja šumarstva i hortikulture. Raspon tema uključuje uzgoj, patologiju šuma i hortikulture, entomologiju, ekologiju, ekofiziologiju drveća, genetiku, uzgoj i srodna područja iz društvenih i ekonomskih znanosti.</p> Rast, razvoj i zdravstveno stanje jele (Abies alba Mill.) u Kantonu Sarajevo 2024-05-10T12:23:12+00:00 Osman Mujezinović Sead Ivojević Tarik Treštić Damir Prljača Mehmed Čilaš Kenan Zahirović <p>Silver fir (<em>Abies alba</em> Mill.) stands as a pivotal tree species in Bosnia and Herzegovina, holding paramount ecological, economic, and sociological significance. Its role is fundamental in the context of uneven-aged forest management, a prevailing practice in the region. Contributing not only to biodiversity but crucially to the stability of our ecosystems, silver fir faces a discernible decline in recent times, attributed to the intricate interplay of abiotic and biotic factors.</p> <p>Among abiotic factors, the foremost influences include wind and fire, while within the realm of biotic factors, notable contributors to the decline encompass mistletoe, rot fungi, cancer, witches' brooms on fir, bark beetles, and fir moth miner. The silver fir exhibits remarkable responsiveness to increased light inflows, emphasizing the imperative to establish favorable conditions for its sustained growth and development throughout its life cycle. This collective understanding underscores the importance of addressing both abiotic and biotic factors to ensure the continued vitality of the silver fir in the unique ecosystems of Bosnia and Herzegovina</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ekonomija uzgajanja šuma: uvid u proizvodnju sadnica kokosa u državi Lagos, Nigerija 2024-05-10T11:43:31+00:00 Osasona Kehinde Salami Funke Akinsola Grace Bankole Oluwabukola Bonire John <p>Nigerija ima proizvodnju od oko 250.000 tona kokosa godišnje, a ovaj proizvodni kapacitet nije dovoljan da zadovolji potražnju za kokosom u zemlji. Potražnja za kokosom premašuje trenutnu ponudu u Nigeriji. Polustrukturirani upitnik je primijenjen na 120 ispitanika koji su namjerno odabrani sa liste Lagos State Coconut Development Authority (LASCODA). Konkretno, studija je identificirala raznolikost uzgojenih sadnica kokosa; ispitala troškove i povrate proizvodnje sadnica kokosa; doprinos prihoda od sadnica kokosa ukupnom prihodu proizvođača sadnica kokosa i identificirana ograničenja za proizvodnju sadnica kokosa. Za analizu je korištena deskriptivna statistika, proračunska analiza i likertova skala. Studija je otkrila da je većina (64,17 %) ispitanika uzgajala visoku sortu sadnica kokosa. Analiza budžeta je pokazala da tipični proizvođač sadnica kokosa ostvaruje neto profit od 380.128,33 ₦/ha sa stopom prinosa od 241,78 %. Prihodi od proizvodnje sadnica kokosa doprinijeli su ukupnom prihodu proizvođača (66,3 %) na istraživanom području. Neadekvatni kreditni kapaciteti, neadekvatan pristup obuci, između ostalog, bili su ograničenja sa kojima su se suočavali tokom proizvodnje. Istraživanje preporučuje davanje prioriteta proizvodnji sadnica kokosa kako bi se poljoprivrednicima poboljšala dostupnost kredita, kao i programima obuke za poljoprivrednike koje treba organizirati kako bi se lakše i brže prihvatile inovacije.</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Osasona Kehinde, Salami Funke, Akinsola Grace, Bankole Oluwabukola , Bonire John Adaptacija postojećih ravnih krovova solitera u zelene krovove na području Općine Kakanj u cilju osnaživanja i promovisanja koncepta urbane poljoprivrede 2024-05-10T10:01:30+00:00 Nedžada Zahirović Sabina Trakic Pavle Krstić Lejla Biber <p>The Municipality of Kakanj, an industrial municipality, emphasizes the crucial importance of environmental preservation, development encouragement, and the improvement of urban agriculture. In urban planning, a return to fundamental values aligned with population needs is essential. Urban spaces should encompass functions related to housing, livelihoods, social utility, and interaction. However, the issue arises with the reduction of green areas due to building construction, causing a disconnect between people and nature in their fast-paced urban daily lives. For this reason, green roofs on residential buildings are one way for residents to have daily contact with greenery, ultimately promoting a healthier and more active lifestyle. The creation of green roofs often provides the opportunity for urban beekeeping (depending on the location), which has been considered one of the solutions to the bee extinction problem and the increase in pollinators in recent years.</p> <p>The aim of this project is to develop a conceptual plan for adapting the existing flat roofs of three towers (S-1, S-2, S-3) built in the 1980s in the Municipality of Kakanj into green roofs. These green roofs will create the potential to strengthen and expand the importance of urban agriculture, bringing a range of ecological, social, and economic benefits. This project seeks to redefine the skyline by replacing conventional roofs with lush green roofs, nurturing a harmonious blend of nature and urban life.</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kvalitet sjemenskih sastojina bijelog bora (Pinus sylvestris L.) i crnog bora (Pinus nigra Arnold) u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine 2024-05-10T09:53:29+00:00 Dalibor Ballian Mirzeta Memišević-Hodžić <p><em>This research aims to determine the quality of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris </em>L.<em>) and Austrian pine (Pinus nigra </em>Arnold<em>) seed stands in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and to recommend measures for the improvement of these stands for producing the highest quality reproduction material of researched species.</em></p> <p><em>For this research, 23 traits of trees in fourteen seed stands of Scots pine, and twelve stands of Austrian pine in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina were analysed. Four traits were measured, and nineteen traits were assessed. </em></p> <p><em>The results showed the good condition of seed stands of investigated traits for the most of investigated stands. Some of the stands have shown very good quality, and individual selection should be made in them, while in other stands it is necessary to remove part of the trees. </em></p> <p><em>Considering the great ecological-vegetation diversity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a greater number of Scots and Austrian pine seed facilities is needed. When selecting new seed plants of white and black pine, the focus should be on small stands that grow in extreme conditions.</em></p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Dalibor Ballian, Mirzeta Memišević-Hodžić Procjena historijskih vrijednosti Banjskog parka Ilidža u svrhu zaštite i očuvanja parkovske baštine 2024-05-10T09:47:59+00:00 Dino Hadžidervišagić Neđad Bašić <p>Spa park Ilidža has managed to preserve part of the originality of the spa and recreation center with striking features of the Austro-Hungarian and socialist social order. In our country, there was no significant research related to the valorization of park heritage. The conducted valorization included the evaluation of three segments: historical values, natural and ecological values, as well as potential dangers for their damage, which is based on extensive evaluation tables. Based on the analysis of the historical values of green areas, the park facilities within the Ilidža Spa park were valued with a total of 59 points. The obtained results determined that this green area belongs to the category of areas that are close to deterioration and with sufficiently preserved values (41-60 points), which means that it has recognizable elements and structure, as well as the entire composition, and as such is subject to the implementation of activities for its full revalorization.</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Dino Hadžidervišagić, Neđad Bašić