Inovacije u nastavi i istraživanju politike i gospodarstva u šumarstvu
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praksa korištenja zemljišta, zaštita prirodnih resursa, proizvodnja drveta, ekološke usluge, upravljanje ekosistemom šumeSažetak
UDK 630*8/.9
Bolonjski proces predvidio je da šumarstvo i obrazovanje u šumarstvu budu u kontekstu razvijanja globalne ekonomije, i svjetsku pozornost fokusirano na zaštitu okoline i klimatske promjene. On stimulira integriranje šumarstva u okvire održive prakse korištenja zemljišta i kombinacije iskustava u gospodarenju šumama s novim znastvenim spoznajama i metodologijama istraživanja. Šumarskim stručnjacima potrebna je sveobuhvatna obrazovna osnovica ukoliko žele prihvatiti brze promjene na društvenom, ekonomskom i političkom planu. Istovremeno, neophodno je razumijevanje razvoja i lokalno specifičnih društvenih i kulturnih aspekata šumarstva.
Ovo zahtijeva udruženi pristup upravljanju šumama, zaštiti okoliša i konzerviranju okoliša. Održavanje baze prirodnih izvora i gospodarenje šumama na održiv način zahtijevat će nastavne programe koji će kombinirati politiku i zakonodavstvo, poslovnu ekonomiju i gospodaranje, uključujući komponente šumskih resursa i gospodarenje okolišem.
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BINDER, C. R., 2007b: From Material Flow Analysis to Material Flow Management – Part II: The Role of Structural Agent Analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production (2007) 15 1605-1617
CIRELLI, M.-T.; SCHMITHÜSEN FR., 2000: Trends in Forestry Legislation: Western Europe. FAO Legislative Study 10, Rome.
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NOVOTNY, H.; SCOTT, P.; GIBBONS, M., 2001: Re-Thinking Science – Knowledge and the Public in an Age of Uncertainty. London, Polity Press with Blackwell Publishers.
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SCHMITHÜSEN, F.; BISANG, K.; ZIMMERMANN, W., 2001: Cross-Sector Linkages in Forestry – Review of Available Information and Considerations on Further Research. Working Document No 1; Forestry Department; FAO, Rome. 56 pp.
SCHMITHÜSEN, F., 2003a: Understanding Cross-Sectoral Policy Impacts – Policy and Legal Aspects. In: Cross-sectoral Policy Impacts between Forestry and other Sectors. FAO Forestry Paper 142: 5-44 (2003); FAO, Rome.
SCHMITHÜSEN, F., 2003b: The Global Revolution in Sustainable Forest Policy – A European Perspective. Pinchot Lecture Series; Pinchot Institute for Conservation, Washington D.C.
SCHMITHÜSEN, F.; KAISER, B.; SCHMIDHAUSER, A.; MELLINGHOFF, ST.; KAMMERHOFER, A. W.; 2003c: Unternehmerisches Handeln in der Wald- und Holzwirtschaft – Betriebswirtschaftliche Grundlagen und Managementprozesse. Deutscher Betriebswirte-Verlag, Gernsbach. 560 S.
SCHMITHÜSEN, F., 2004: European Forest Policy Developments in Changing Societies: Political Trends and Challenges to Research. In: Towards the Sustainable Use of Europe’s Forests – Forest Ecosystem and Landscape Research: Scientific Challenges and Opportunities. EFI Proceedings No. 49: 87-99, European Forest Institute, Joensuu, Finland.
SCHMITHÜSEN, F.; SEELAND, K., 2006: European Landscapes and Forest as Representation of Culture. In: Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Forest Management – The Role of Traditional Knowledge; Volume 1: 217-224 (2006), Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe, Liaison Unit, Warsaw, Poland.
SCHMITHÜSEN, F.; KAISER, B.; SCHMIDHAUSER, A.; MELLINGHOFF, ST.; KAMMERHOFER, A. W.; 2006: [Entrepreneurship in the Forest- and Wood Products Industry – Principles of Business Economics and Management]. Publishing Centre of the Faculty for Economic Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia. 529 pp. (Serbian Translation of the Text- and Reference Book in German published in 2003, Deutscher Betriebswirte-Verlag, Gernsbach.)
SCHOLZ, R. W.; TIETJE, O., 2002: Embedded Case Study Methods Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Knowledge. Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi; Sage Publications.
SHINN, T., 2002: The Triple Helix and New Production of Knowledge – Prepackaged Thinking on Science and Technology. Social Studies of Science 32/4 (August 2002) 599-614.