
  • Mustafa Memić Faculty of Sciences University of Sarajevo
  • Alisa Selović Faculty of Sciences University of Sarajevo
  • Omer Mahmutović Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Sarajevo



Chlorinated phenols, fungi, Hypoxylon fragiforme, Coniophora puteana


UDK 582.28:547.56


Disposal and incineration or recycling of old and waste wood represents an environmental problem. In most cases, agents on the basis of chlorinated phenols were used for wood preservation. These substances penetrate deeper into the wood and because of their chemical stability it remain for decades. This is an environmental problem since chlorinated phenols are among the most acute and chronic toxic contaminants. One of the promising methods to resolve this problem is biodegradation of chlorinated phenols by microorganisms and by fungi, lately. The toxicity of chlorinated phenols against ligninolytic fungi Hypoxylon fragiforme (Hf) and Coniophora puteana (Cp) has been investigated in this paper. Results showed that the maximum concentration of chlorinated phenols, that allows the growth of Hp and Cp fungi, is 2.5 mmol/L. Testing the impact of eight chlorinated phenols on the growth of fungi, it was determined that chlorinated phenols show less antifungal activity to Hp fungus. Antifungal activity to both fungi increases with the number of substituted chlorine atoms. Also, an important role in antifungal activity, have a physico-chemical properties of chlorinated phenols, primarily LogKow, pKa and the Henry constant. Position of chlorine atoms in the molecule also has a certain influence.


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01. 12. 2011.

How to Cite

Memić, M. ., Selović, A. ., & Mahmutović, O. . (2011). TOXICITY OF CHLORINATED PHENOLS AGAINST LIGNINOLYTIC FUNGI HYPOXYLON FRAGIFORME AND CONIOPHORA PUTEANA. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 41(2), 31–44.