Diversity, structure and texture virgin and managed forest of beech and fir with spruce on Grmeč Mountain in western Bosnia
Virgin forest, managed forest, diversity, vertical structure, horizontal structure, texture, index of diversity, index of oppositionAbstract
UDK 630*2:630*4/.5(253)(497.6 Grmeč)
A surface of 562 237 ha in Bosnia and Herzegovina is under the mixed forests of beech and fir, and beech, fit and spruce forests. These forests are economically the most important, socially useful and ecologically stable forest ecosystems. This paper caontains a comparative analysis of structure, texture and diversity of the managed forests of beech and fir with spruce and of the virgin forest.The research of the diversity, structure and texture is performed on the mountain Grmeč in western Bosnia, in the summer and fall of 2007 in the virgin forest and in the managed forest of beech and spruce-fir.
In the managed forest, the selected management system is group-seeded and has the tendency of forming groups of different tree types and different age. This shows how the economic steps affect the forming of groups that is anticipated with the management system.
The layout of the trunks according to IUFRO – classification in the managed forest and in the virgin forest is totally different and shows the tendency of forming of different shapes of curtain composition. In the managed forest, the trunks are equally represented in all three stages, with 1/3 of the whole trunk number. In the virgin forest, trunks of lower stage dominate with 50% and trunks of higher stage composition with 32%, that represents mostly a double-layered curtain. It needs to be continued to maintain such a layout of trunks per heights in the managed forest and that is a characteristic of seeded beech forests and spruce-fir.
Regarding the participation of trunks from virgin forests and managed forests, they have approximately the same indexes and regarding the basal, the managed forest has far higher values of those indexes.
The virgin forest has a mosaic-like development phases on the specific surface. The biggest surface has the terminal phase and the smallest has the phase of decomposition.
The texture diversity of the virgin forest is vast and is characteristic for natural forests of mixed structure like beech forests and spruce-fir. On the big index of the texture diversity, beside the structure and composition of this forests, the geographical characteristics also have influence, that is very distinctive in the field of research.
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