The importance of genetic melioration in seed stands of Sessile oak (Quercus petraea / Matt / Liebl) in the light of climate change
Sessile oak, seed stands, genetic melioration, climate changesAbstract
UDK 630*232:582.632 .2(497.6 Banja Luka)
582.632.2:502.3(497.6 Banja Luka)
In the last few decades, stands, groups and individual Sessile Oak (Quercus petraea /Matt/ Liebl.) are declining in almost the entire area – they die as a result of, until now, still insufficiently studied and systematized causes. The phenomenon is probably conditioned by the influence of complex factors whose effect is cumulative and where climate change take meaningful participation.
In the process of the successful regeneration of forests in places where the natural process is not possible, one first needs to ensure sufficient quantities of high quality forest seeds. Scientists and forestry experts are faced with a growing demand for artificial restoration of sessile oak forests. The transfer of reproductive material from a registered source ensures future forests easier fight with climate change. Hence, the question how management and implementation of genetic melioration in Sessile oak stand as a first step in providing the genetic quality of seeds.
Research was conducted on registered seed stand oak belonging to “Pripanonic area”, Forest Management Unit, "Banja Luka," tag: S.S.180.1414.01; Тhe age is about 100 year. In the period 2006-2009 constant observation were carried out in stands that have started marking and separation seed trees, the first thinning (very low intensity 3%), monitoring abundance of blossom and seed production and keeping the record of health condition.
As a result of the conducted research, we can conclude and confirm the earlier conclusions which approved the necessity of registration of young Sessile Oak stands as seed stands, the necessity of conducting genetic melioration in seed stands which can significantly improve the production of seeds of this species. The future research needs to clarify the definition of the space in which the transfer of seeds should take place and the seeds should be transfered to 100-200 meters higher altitudes.
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