
  • Sakib Kišija The County Governor of Oslo and Akershus, P.O. Box 8111 Dep., 0032 Oslo - Norway



Cydia strobilella (L.), Plemeliella abietina (Seitn.), Megastigmus strobilobius (Ratz.), climate


UDK 582.475:595.7(481)


Frequency of gall and spruce insects (Picea abies (L) Karst.) from three Norwegian regions were analyzed during the period from 1968 to 2006, from the x-ray photos of samples of seeds and files of control of gall samples. Higher temperatures, especially during the last 20 years, have most probably contributed to more frequent years of good production of spruce seeds. The paper has indicated the following gall and spruces insects: Cydia strobilella (L.), Plemeliella abietina (Seitn.), Megastigmus strobilobius (Ratz.) Kaltenbachiola strobi (Winn.), Strobilomyia anthraciana (Czerny.), Dioryctria abietella (Den. et Schiff.), Eupithecia abietaria (Ratz.), and E. analoga (Zett.). The pathogen fungi were observed as well: Pucciniastrum areolatum ((Fr.) G.H. Otth.) and Chrysomyxa pirolata (Wint.).


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01. 06. 2010.

How to Cite

Kišija, S. (2010). CONE AND SEED INSECTS IN NORWAY SPRUCE [PICEA ABIES (L) KARST.]. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 40(1), 1–13.