Soil characteristics and water dynamics in selected land areas of Sub Mediterranean part of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Karst, Soil, Water, Clime, MostarAbstract
UDK 582.632.2:630*81
Elevation interval in investigated area is 1552 m, with highest peak 1652 m above sea level in account: Veliko Ruište, Malo Rujište, Crna gora and slopes of Veleži. In mountain region, in lower hilly areas with interval from 700 m. s. l. to 250 m. s.l. from Podgorani village on the east, through Humi and Lišani village in central and south western part of area, to the end of area on Orlov kuk peak, on the west. Lowland area with altitude interval from 250 m. s. l. to 100 m. s. l. is form Salakovac village, over Prigrađani village on the east, across Željuša village in central part, with border line in Tršić Han and Potoci village, and road M-17, in the southern parts of analyzed area. Mountain, hilly and lowland zone, has specific karstified surface and underground (ČIČIĆ, 2002., KACER, 1926.), with caves and underground water flows. In hilly and lowland part of area exists fluvioglacial deposits with main characteristic as water retention systems (KACER, 1926.). In analysed area we identify the next type of soils: (i) lithosols, (ii) colluviums and (iii) alohtone terra rossa. Some important property for this soils are given (BASAGIC, AVDAGIĆ, SKOPLJAK,, CENGIC, et al, 2003.), including, mechanical structure and adsorptive complex. We analysed precipitation and temperature for 62 years period with presentation the next characteristics: (i) the tendency of precipitation (P), (ii) potential evapotranspiration (PET) for ten year period (1986.-1990.), (iii) trends of annual precipitation y =- 55.8 x +111938, (iv) tendency of the minimum amount of monthly rainfall y =- 9.28 x +18466, (v) the tendency of annual PET, y = 0.3 x +232, (vi) monthly trends of PET to July y = 5.1 x +9976.6. We were established a large annual average inputs of water, while their distribution on the basis PET and SET, very unfavourable for vegetation systems in the analyzed region. Represented soils and dynamic of water, expressed through the water regime, represent a frame in which real vegetation systems exist (STEFANOVIC, et al, 1983).
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