Effects of common oak regeneration on a permanent sample plot in Srem – after two decades
UDK 630*23:582.632.2(497.113 Srem)
The effects of common oak stand regeneration and development were analysed in a permanent sample plot during a period of 20 years. The sample plot (P=0.20 ha) was established in 1986 on the site of common oak and narrow-leaved ash forest (Fraxino angustifoliae-Quercetum roboris Jov. et Tom. 1979, subass. aceretosum - on moister semigleys and drier gleys) in the area of southwest Srem (Serbia).
The research includes the period of stand establishment, the structure of the regeneration in the eighth year, and saplings in 19th year of age. The stand was established by the combined regeneration in the system of regeneration felling, with the preliminary application of subsidiary measures. In 1989, a herbicide (Glyphosate 480 g·L-1) was applied in total foliar treatment to destroy the coppice woody species in the shrub layer. Eight years after the herbicide treatment, the average number of woody species on the regeneration area was 8.95 trees·m-2, and common oak 4.20 trees·m-2 or 46.9%. The significant presence of secondary tree and shrub species in the regeneration structure indicates that, in the unfavourable structural and coenological state of the understory in the stand for regeneration, a single herbicide application (Glyphosate 480 g•L-1) did not destroy the biological regeneration potential of some species. Also, it did not prevent the regeneration from seeds of the species with lighter seeds on small-sized felling areas in the direct surroundings.
The regenerated species were represented in height classes from 0.5 m to 2.5 m. Of the average number of common oaks 4.20 trees·m-2 (100%), 32.7% were in the class below 0.5 m and 62.5% in the height class below 1.0 m. 37.5% of common oak average were in the class above 1 m, and 61,6% were the other tree species, which conditioned a severe intra-species competition, requiring some tending operations (liberation cutting). The saplings at the age of 19 years consisted of 10 tree species, with 12,341 trees·ha-1, with the diameter at breast height above 1 cm. The highest percentage was achieved by common oak 8,430 trees·ha-1 (68.3%). Of the total number of trees, the highest number belonged to the understory 7,700 trees·ha-1 (62.4%). In the dominant story, common oak amounted to 3,100 trees·ha-1 (92.6%), and other species - 246 trees·ha-1 (7.4%). In the understory, common oak amounted to 4,315 trees·ha-1 (56.0%), and other tree species amounted to 3,385 trees·ha-1 (44.0%). A high degree of tree taper in the understory (h/d=210) and subdominant storey (h/d=160) points to their static instability and in the further process of biological differentiation, these trees can have only the secondary role in the stand and represent the natural mortality. The real base for further (spontaneous) stand development in the 19th year consists only of common oak trees in the dominant story (3,100 trees·ha-1).
The above analysis points to the satisfactory regeneration of common oak and other species in the above procedure, but it also points out the fact that common oak mortality at the ages of 8 to 19 years was approximately 80%. Also, when it is taken into account that the number of common oaks in the dominant storey wa approximately only about 7% compared to the number of common oaks in the regeneration at the age of 8 years, this fact indicates that it is necessary to create some alternative silvicultural strategies in the process of common oak stand establishment in some forest types, because in the above procedure of stand establishment, common oak can be defined as a competitor, which is to a significant extent removed from the stand before the beginning of tending operations, by the principle of positive selection.
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