Economic analyse of thinning in Scots pine (Pinus silvestris L.) plantation
Economic benefit, Scots pine, thinningAbstract
In a Scots pine (Pinuis silvestris L.) plantation of age of 40 years selective thinning (Schaedelin method) was carried out to verify economic profitability of this silvicultural measure. Total wood stock marked for cutting was 76,30 m3 per hectare (52,5 m3 of round wood) what was 21% of intensity. Average breast diameter of marked trees was 23 cm (17-32). After cutting of marked trees the wood was brought to forest road (average distance 200 m) using light tractor for round wood and horses for cellulose. To process round wood to timber mobile sawmill MIZAR LT 40 SUPER HYDRAULIC was used. On the base of direct expenses and the value of products economic benefit was calculated as positive.
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