Sixth contribution to the knowledge of the cultivated denroflora of Sarajevo and surroundings
Sarajevo, trees and shrubs, species and cultivars, introduction, decorative value, hardiness, way of cultivationAbstract
The author of the paper has continued the inventory of the cultivated taxa of trees and shrubs in the Sarajevo region, previously started already in the early 1950's. There are 219 new-observed species and forms (cultivars) of the plants included in the work, that were mostly introduced in the last 5-6 years, while a small number of them have come from plantings of the 1980-ies or even still earlier. However, the cultivars of decorative Roses, Rhododendrons, and different fruit trees are omitted here, because of difficulties of determination. The data of growing places and the number of cultivated specimens were given for each taxon. The same refers also to the resistance to climatic and other conditions of our environment, the flat part of Sarajevo Field being a referential site, because the winter frosts have been the strongest here and air pollution the most intensive. More details are given to the places of growing area in order to offer possibilities of observations of further development of the plants on different sites. In some more critical cases, there were presented the attitudes of the benefit of further introductions, or at least of growing of the plants in outdoor conditions.
In the second part of the work, the author dealt with earlier noticed plants, presenting in more extreme cases their numerical dynamics, positive or negative, which has taken place in the period from 1991 to the present times.
In the conclusion, the author cited groups of the plants composed according to their numbers in the region and the rate of resistance to the negative environmental factors. The lists of the taxa that touched these categories were given. As for the changing of the numerical state of earlier inventoried plants, there were cited those which were expanded numerically, or even became massive, as well as those which were extremely regressed, conceivably disappeared from the region.
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