Alders growing along our river banks and their role for the quality of environment
black alder, quality of the wood, environment, river courseAbstract
Forests and forest trees are main wood source - raw material necessary for human life. Even more, they are irretrievable factor in creation, conservation and pro- tection of the environment. Ali the river and stream banks in Bosnia-Herzegovina are, more or less, good site for growth of so called softwood species, e.g. poplar (.Populus), alder (Alnus), willow (Salix) etc. Among these species, from the standpoint of a wood value, black alder is the most valuable one. Unfortunately, no professional or other organization, has ever shown any interest in cultivation of this kind of trees avenues. Due to that fact both men and the society are great losers.
Attention is paid to black alder growing along and/or next to banks of the run- ning water courses. A long range research aiming at investigation and explanation of a value of black alder as a kind of forest tree has been made. A comprehensive research have been made over several localities near some water courses (Krivaja, Gostović, Tajančica, Bistričak etc.) and rich material has been collected. These research data and results are presented in this paper (unfortunately not entire).
The length of water courses (1st to 5th order) in Bosnia and Herzegovina is some 11.000 km (both river banks twice as much). One kilometer of such avenue is approximately one hectare of forest trees plantation. That is quite a good basis that must not be neglected. Therefore the author supports the idea that ali concemed pro- fessions (forestry, management of water resources) should jointly start organizing cultivation of black alder near water current banks and thus use the possibilities given by nature. It is suggested the way of elimination of possible difficulties, either system or administrative (property rights, management of Coastal land areas), and supports the idea of immediate realization of defined projects and programs that promise, no doubt, fast and permanent success of that investments.
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