Fifth contribution to the knowledge of the cultivated dendroflora of Sarajevo and surroundings


  • Nikola Janjić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo



Sarajevo region, cultivated dendroflora, resistance of plants, appropriateness of introduction


The fifth contribution of the series, which has dealed with the inventory of cultivated dendroflora of Sarajevo for about 45 years, notes 144 further taxa. Out of these units, 103 were cultivars of various origin, among them 29 Rose - cultivars, basic species as well as their natural varieties being in convincing minority. The data were given for each taxon both of the locations where it was grown and of the number of plants too. It was evident that many of the taxa in the question were represented in small numbers, sometimes by a single specimen only. Attention was paid, also, to the resistance of plants to the local site  conditions  and  in  the  conclusion  of  the  work  were  cited  those  which  were  not resistant enough in the flat part of Sarajevo Basin.

In the second part of the paper the author noted the changes in the number and distribution of the plants in relation to the data of previous inventories. It was ascertained that some of them were grown now in large numbers while some others have disappeared in the meantime because of various reasons: susceptibility to site conditions, destruction by men, dying out because of age etc., being represented pre­viously by a few or even single specimens only. Both these groups were listed in the conclusion of the work.


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01. 12. 1998.

How to Cite

Janjić, N. (1998). Fifth contribution to the knowledge of the cultivated dendroflora of Sarajevo and surroundings. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 28(1), 41–75.

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