Some interesting dendrologic findings from Sarajevo region


  • Nikola Janjić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo



dendro-species, forms and hybrids, new finding places, morphological features, taxonomic belonging


The author has presented some new findings of various taxa of indigenous dendroflora of the Sarajevo region and in some cases gave their taxonomic interpretation as well. The species and their subtaxa, as well as various natural hybrids were in the question - represented in the region as the local populations, bigger or smaller groups of specimens, and sometimes as single trees or shrubs. Some of the cited taxa were new for the Flora of Bosnia and Hercegovina, the others just for Sarajevo region, while for some of them - known from earlier time in the region - were given new finding places only. The author's data are based on the the field notes and from memory only, since the previously collected herbarium material was completely lost during the war and newone was gathered only for some taxa.


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01. 12. 1998.

How to Cite

Janjić, N. (1998). Some interesting dendrologic findings from Sarajevo region. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 28(1), 85–103.

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