Selection of the most efficient function of growth and establishing the values of its parameters


  • Ćamila Ljubović Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo



Growth function, function of current increment, function of average increment, Seidel, Breyrnann, Prodan, Levaković, Sept, Mitscherlich, Mihajlov


The best functions of the growth, from the mathematical aspect, are; Mihajlov’s, Mitscherlich’s, Levaković’s and Prodan’s.  However, establishing the parameters of these

functions leads to too complicated system of equations, and to solve this problem some ideas are suggested. The idea of possible use of the best function for growth, current increment and average increment as three varieties of one function is discussed. It is interesting to examine how the results of the measurement of only one function (growth, current increment, or average increment) may fit to other two functions obtained by the mathematical way.


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01. 12. 1998.

How to Cite

Ljubović, Ćamila. (1998). Selection of the most efficient function of growth and establishing the values of its parameters. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 28(1), 127–142.