soils, political advocacy, sustainable development goals, UNCCD, UNCBD, UNFCCCAbstract
UDK 631.4:502.1
Soils are considered across the Rio Conventions and while some advances have been made in the past two decades, implementation remains lacking and soil-related issues persist. This calls for a more integrated approach for the implementation of the Conventions. Similarly, soils will play a key role to achieve the post-2015 development agenda and can be found across the proposed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This cross-cutting role is not being sufficiently acknowledged in the negotiations. Putting soils on the policy agenda will depend on a major shift in the discussion to recognize that soils underpin a wide range of services and should, therefore, be protected for future generations. Concerted efforts for advocacy within the post-2015 development agenda need to focus on keeping soils on the agenda and on making proposals for the effective implementation and monitoring of the SDGs.
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Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005a. Ecosystems and Human Well-being, vol 1. Current State and Trends: Findings of the Condition and Trends Working Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Series. Dryland Systems, Chapter 22, p. 815.
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) Policy Brief; Zero Net Land Degradation. 2012, Bonn, Germany. New initiative by UNCCD aiming towards setting a quantitative Sustainable Development Goal of zero net land degradation for discussion in the Rio+20 summit.
Chasek, P., et al., Operationalizing Zero Net Land Degradation: The next stage in international efforts to combat desertification?, Journal of Arid Environments (2014),
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification – UNCCD COP (11)/19 Report on activities supporting the United Nations Decade for Deserts and the Fight against Desertification (2010–2020) OfficialDocuments/cop11/19 eng.pdf UNCCD COP11 decision to establish an intergovernmental working group to: (1) establish a science-based definition of land degradation neutrality in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas; (2) develop options relating to arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas that Parties might consider should they strive to achieve land degradation neutrality; and (3) advise the Convention on the implications for its current and future strategy, programmes and the resource requirements.
Thomas R.J., M. Akhtar-Schuster, L.C. Stringer, M.J. Marques, R. Escadafal,E. Abraham, G. Enne: Fertile ground? Options for a science–policy platform for land. Review Article Environmental Science & Policy, Volume 16, February (2012), Pages 122-135.There is a gap in science-policy advice concerning land and soil at global scale. The main UN Convention dealing with this environmental compartment, the UNCCD, lacks adequate scientific advisory bodies to deliver the needed high level scientific advice and guidance. It is advocated the creation of a body similar to an Intergovernmental Panel on Soils (Land).
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