climate change, wildfire, chemical soil properties, Dalmatian regionAbstract
UDK 630*114:630*43(497.5)
This paper presents preliminary results on the alterations in the forest soil properties during an wildfires occurred in 2011 and 2012 in southern Dalmatia (Croatia). At three locations in 2012 different soil samples (0-5 cm) were taken from shrub lands, depending on vegetation characteristics. Samples were taken from burned and unburned areas in order to determine possible differences. The results showed significant statistical differences between burned and control soil samples for pH, EC, and several cations and anions (N-NH +, N-NO -, SO 2-, Ca2+, K+ and Na+). These investigated parameters are under the direct influence of fire intensity on the ground. Results show that there is no difference between sites burned in 2011 and those that burned in 2012. Further investigation will reveal how many years it will take for the soil to return to pre- burned conditions.
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