
  • Fran Boko Poljoprivredni fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu



In January and February 1951 helminth-fauna of small intestines was investigated on 100 dogs captured in the streets and on the outskirts of Sarajevo. Besides other endoparasites echinococcus granulosus was regularly found on the jejunum mucosa but rarely on the mucosa of the second half of duodenum (pars ascendens, flexura duodeno-jejunalis) and ileum. In the dogs mentioned which were killed 1 or 2 days after capture and investigated immediately or one day after killing a full developed echinococcus granulosus in 16% of dogs was confirmed.- 4% of the dogs were invaded with 60.000- taenia echinococcus. Moreover, in 17% of dogs there were found undeveloped forms of para- sites, sometimes already dead, which were in various degrees of development because of many successive invasions at varied intervals, which may be considered as belonging to echinococcus granulosus. Yet the cases should be tested by experiment.


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Službeni podaci sarajevske klaonice.


01. 06. 1952.

How to Cite

Boko, F. (1952). ECHINOCOCCUS GRANULOSUS KOD SARAJEVSKIH PASA. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 1(1), 35–40.