
  • Ignjat Pobegajlo Poljoprivredni fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu



In Yugoslavia before the Second World War there appeared (1953) a dangerous virus disease on plum-trees (Prunus domestica, Prunus insititia), apricot-trees (Pr.  rmeniaea) and greengage (Pr. mirabolana — Pr. cerasifera). Some millions of plum-trees are diseased or threatened to become so which is of very great economic importance for the national economy of Yugoslavia. The disease is caused by Prunus virus 7 A. -Chr. — The Yugoslav popular name for the disease is »sharka«, the Englich plum-pox.

Serological study of phytopathogenic viruses and virus diseases has developed in recent years. Serological methods have been successfully applied for a large number of plant viruses (about 15). All these viruses are from herbaceous plants. It is of great interest to investigate .the serological properties of the sharks virus — the virus of woody plants the antigenic properties of which had to be detected.

To obtain the antiserum of Prunus virus 7 rabbits were used. The infections were intravenal (into marginal vein). The quantity of antigen, used for each injection, was from 1 c. c. to 3 c. c. From 10 to 13 Injections were made at one to two day intervals. Ten days after the last-injection all rabbits we have used were bled and thé sera were collected. A number of injections were made with the antigen (infective sap of plum-leaves and plum-fruits) purified by normal antisera or by aluminium-hydroxide. The
supe-hmmun-ization also was made to ensure a better titre of antisera. The serological investigation of sharks gave the following results:

  1. The virus of sharka-Prunus virus 7 A. Chr. (the broad striped variation) has antigenic properties. The virus of the narrow striped variation —
    virus 7a A. Chr. (18) gives precipitin reactions with sharka-antisera.
    Therefore probably it is the same virus or one of the strains of Pr. virus 7.
  2. In many cases the antigenity of the diseased leaves was doubtful (-but, comparing the reactions of antisera + normal sap with those of antisera + diseased sap, the antigenity is undoubted. The precipitin reactions to the sap of diseased fruits are always stronger than those effected by the sap of diseased leaves.’
  3. The titres of antisera are: by immunizations 1:500, 1:900 and seldom 1:1200, 1:1300; by superimmunizations — 1:1.500.
  4. The purified sap of diseased leaves (the purification before the immunization) does not produce any better precipitin reaction, but the purified sap of diseased fruits does improve it.
  5. Leaves of diseased greengage (Prunus mirabolana — Pr. cerasifera) and apricots, (Prunus armeniaca) give precipitin reactions with antisera tosharka virus (Pr.-virus 7). But these reactions axe doubtful or not present with antisera which have small It is possible that this absence of precipitin reactions is due to insufficient oncentration of virus in these plants.
  6. Leaves of peach, cherry and sour cherry with mosaic signs do not give precipitin reactions with sharka-antisera. The same is the case with the necrotic mosaic on Italian plum.
  7. The antisera remain active during 8—10 months. This statement may prove untrue, since the test conditions in experiments were bad.

The results of serological tests are presented in 3 Tables: Table I, — Immunization of rabbits with saps of diseased plum-trees (Prunus virus 7 A. Chr.); Table II. — Supperimmunization of rabbits with Pr. virus 7; and Table III. —- Precipitin reaction of Prunus vims 7 antisera with saps. from different plants (diseased and non-diseased).


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01. 12. 1953.

How to Cite

Pobegajlo, I. (1953). SEROLOŠKA ISPITIVANJA ŠARKE ŠLJIVE. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 2(2-3), 53–81.