
  • Dušan Vukavić Poljoprivredni fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu



  • Detailed data are presented showing wastage and loss of alfalfa hay due to different methods of drying the green mass of lucerne. Thus, it has been observed that in drying the plant on roof-like trestles or cloverstands the rate of loss in alfalfa hay is lowest, viz.
  • 5,3 % of total feeding values; crude nutii.ents:
  • 09% of protein, — 7,74% of ether extract.
  • 3,93% of nytx*ogen-free extract, — 0,8% of fiber, *
  • 0,57% of ash.

The practice of leaving the plant to dry on the ground however, as is the general rule among the farmers in the countryside around Sarajevo, results in losses far greater than the above, viz.

  • 49,9% of total feeding values; crude nutrients:
  • 23,8% of protein, — 33,45% of ether extract,
  • 15,5% of nytrogen-free extraxt; excess in crude fibre + 28,7%,
    and in crude ash + 22,5%.

When the drying is done in cocks, the rate of loss is nearer the former than the latter, the percentage being — 16,1% as regards total feeding values, while — 4,67 of protein, — 23,0% af ether extract, and — 9,25% of nitrogen-free extract account for the loss in crude nutrients; access in crude fiber and crude ash amounts to + 7,2% and ■+• 3,28%.

With regard to chemical composition and total feeding values, the best hay has been obtained by means of drying the green mass of the plant on roof-like trestles (clover-stands); the hay in cocks has proved secondrate, and the one dried on the ground third-rate. The hay of lucerne dried on stands is a pretty shade of green, similar to the original mass of the plant; it is sweet to smell, as is the hay in cocks, the latter being slightly darker in colour with a hardly noticeable difference in aroma. The alfalfa hay made in the usual way, i, e, left to dry von the ground, has proved third-rate.


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01. 12. 1953.

How to Cite

Vukavić, D. (1953). PRILOG POZNAVANJU SUŠENJA LUCERKINOG SENA. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 2(2-3), 93–104.