
  • Žak Finci Poljoprivredni fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu



The People’s Republic of Bosnia & Herzegovina comprises an area of about 274.000 hectares of level, gently sloping and undulating land available for instant cultivation by means of tractors. Tractorization of agriculture in these and similar tracts of land all over Yugoslavia is to be effected by Tractors Home Industry guided by constructional adjustments of its own as a result of practical experience gained in the use of. existing types of tractors. The object of the present examination is to establish the basic data representing the factual average of mass exploitation of tractors under normal conditions of their full use. Two year’s trials, made in 1949/50 with all types of tractors concentrated at Agricultural-Machines Stations and subsequently at Investment Centres for Mechanization and Building up of Co-operative Farming, showed that from among the six types in mass use the best results were obtained with Minneapolis Moline UTU (391,5 — 329,5 ha), Allis Chalmers WC (227,6 — 271,8 ha) and Ford Ferguson (231,2 — 314,1 ha). A careful analysis of maximum and minimum levels of efficiency shown by all tractors of one mault at a large co-operative farming establishment disclosed the fact that the types mentioned (with the occasional inclusion of the Fordson Major) also give superior productivity results than the rest. The poorest results were obtained by Fordson UK. - As regards the consumption of fuel, the three mentioned tractors proved most economical of all. Performance of tractors is conditioned to a considerable extent by the number of working days per year as well as by (the actual operation .period. The number of working days in respect of tractors was fairly satisfactory (166—175) — particularly after allowing for the technical condition of the tractor-park — whereas the actual working time was all too short, being equal, roughly, to one half of the working period. In fact, the tractor-park is being used in unfavourable conditions owing to the fields being divided into a considerable number of separate outlying lots,

In 1950, as against the previous year, the productive efficiency of tractors increased as did the working day and the number of actual working hours. Fuel consumption was considerably reduced. The number of cultivated lots was found to be increasingly larger. The breakdowns, on the whole, remained at the same level despite additional measures towards the technical upkeep of the tractor park.

With a yearly productive efficiency of one conditional tractor per 300 conditional hectares, and with tractorizatoin of one actual tractor per 3,31 conditional ones, the existing need of tractors in the first stage of mass tractorization of agriculture in the People’s Republic of Bosnia Sc Herzegovina amounts to 3.324 conditional tractors, or in effect 49.860 HP. The P. B. Bosnia à Herzegovina basically needs two types of tractors; (1) a fairly heavy one (effective 24 HP) for plains and level areas of reclaimed and technically improved land. This type is mainly to be used for basic tillage and ploughing of land; however, it ought to be able to do another one (effective 24 HP) -to be used in semi-hilly areas of the Republic, and in the plains and level open country as well, complementary to the heavier type. This tractor is provided with pneumatic tyres and a special set of appliances. Its main use is in doing all kinds of jobs corresponding to its work as well. The greater number of tractors should be of this type; its production ought to be given priority over other types; (2) a fairly light power.


Agriculture, Volume II-194Ö. General Report Statistics by Subject. Washington 1947.

Capek D. — Poljoprivredni traktori i motori »Tehnika«. God. VI. Br. 6,10. Beograd, 1951. .

Capek D. — Mehanizacija spremanja kukuruza »Biljna proizvodnja«. God.IV. Broj 5. Zagreb, 1951.

Dereta N. — Kategorizacija traktora. Stručno savjetovanje za mehanizaciju poljoprivrede, (ref.) Beograd—Novi Sad, 1950.

Ercegovac L. — Domaći tratator »Zadrugar T-08«. »Socijalistička poljoprivreda«. God. II. Broj 9. Beograd, 1951.

Maslov — Opit lizučenija raboti M. T, S. Moskva, 1947.

Materijal .za izučavanje statistike. Naučna knjiga. Beograd, 1949.

M'ifciàkm G. S. —- Analiz hoajaistvenoi đejateljnasti M. T. -S. Moskva, 1947.

Primjerne radne norme. Ministarstvo poljoprivrede NR Bosne i Hercegovine. Sarajevo, 1950.

Serdar V. — Udžbenilc statistike, Zagreb, 1950,

Svirščevskij V. S. —■ Eksploatacija mašinsko-traktorskog parka. Beograd-.1948.

United states census of agriculture, Volume, II. 1945 — Washington, 1Ô47.



01. 12. 1953.

How to Cite

Finci, Žak. (1953). PRILOG RJEŠAVANJU PROBLEMA TRAKTORIZACIJE POLJOPRIVREDE NR BOSNE I HERCEGOVINE. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 2(2-3), 145–174.