
  • Obrad Petijević Poljoprivredni fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu




A great part of Yugoslavia Is covered with sour (acid) soil. For that reason the calcification of such soil is here very pressing because we could make physical, Chemical and biological qualities of the soil much better, However, besides all its positive qualities the calcification, especially if it is
overdone, has its negative aspects. One ot them is. inactivation of reserves of boric compounds in the soil. Because of this, horticultural plants, which derive their food in minimal quantities perish .and degenerate owing to chlorosis and various other diseases, The remedy for this is adding of
minimal quantities of boron-manure to the calcified soil (2—3 kilos of boron —-B— i per hectare) which can be added either alone or else together with other. mineral manure. This experiment with boron as micromanure which should extend over many years, I have tried on the Estate »Slatina« belonging the Faculty for Agriculture and Forestry in Sarajevo. Its chiel aim is research in factual needs and dosage of B-manure on sour calcified soile of this estate whicih is situated 590 m, above see-level and which had an average humidity for the last 60 years of 900 mm yearly with nearly regular and even levels each month, The average maximal monthly temperature for the last
years amounted to 19.1 °C in July, and minimal temperature 1.6.C below zero in January. This experiment had other aims of lesser importance such as the activity of lime on herbs, combined activity of lime and mineral manures, the need in B-soil manured with high dosage of mineral N-P-and K-manures etc. A whole series of years would be necessary to solve by experimenting and testing of ali these questions finally under given conditions as above, and that is the reason why one cannot and should not make yny conclusions on the basis of one year’s experimenting and its results, and especially so as this year abounded with rain and was as such unfit for agrotechnical research. Such was the past year. I shall bring forth some of the most interesting observations from this experiment I made This experiment had six test-variants:,1) Ordinary calcification and high dosage of complete mineral manures (NPK); 2) Calcification in double quantities and high dosage of mineral manures; 3) The calcification alone in double quantities; 4) Ordinary calcification itself; 5) High dosage of mineral manures alone; and 6) Boil without calcification or mineral manures. In every
variant there were 3 combinations: one of which was with an addition of 2 kilos of boron per hectare in the form of borić acid, another with an addition of 3 kilos of boran per hectare in the same form, while the third one was a control combination, i, e. without the addition of boron, Everyone of these
combinations was repeated 5 times, so that there were in fact 90 experimental beds, i. e. 6 variants at 3 combinations, each == 18 combinations at 5 repetitions, each = 90 beds in dimensions 2 X 3 meters, each 6 m2. The experimental plant was beet tor animal, a culture with high demands in B-manure.

 In checking the results 3 middle repetition results were taken into consideration while the two outer ones (extreme ones) were not calculated. The explanations of data were carried out by contemporary biometric methods (The method analysis of variance). The harmful effect of calcification on beet was not seen because the Summer was very rainful and the lime is more harmful during droughty years. The
calcification itself (variants 3 and 4) has precisely shown a useful effect to mobilize basic nutritious matter from the soil and has given nearly the same harvest as the one where mineral manures alone were applied (variant 5). The calcification together with mineral manures has given colossal results
variant 1 and 2), Even the harvest of (beetroot from uncalcified soil and soil without manure (variant 6) was comparatively high, thanks to favorable weather conditions and careful handling.

Borić manures have shown different effects. In the second, fourth and fifth variant the dosage of 3 kilos per hectare has given negative results when compared to control beds, while the dosage of 2 kilos per hectare showed everywhere, be it however so little a higher harvest. Th increase shew from 1,72 % to 14.52%. Although that increase was not notably large it could be detected, especially when favorable conditions for growth and development of plants in 1953 are taken into consideration, for during that year there was plenty of atmospheric moisture and rain and there one
could see this increase of harvest even on beds without calcification and manure (variant 6) was larger than the average on this soil. Both dosages of B-manure have given their greatest increase in the third variant, whence one can clearly see that even in the first year after putting too great quantities of lime into soil, the need of adding of B-manure is manifest. Here too it has been noted that a larger dosage of mineral manures increases the need of plants for boron (variant. 5), and that the dosage. of 2 kilos of boron per hectare, bas resulted in an increase of harvest for 7,77%, while the dosage of 3 kllos of boron per hectare has manifested itself as toxical and has decreased the harvest for 1.55%. It can further be seen that for the comparatively high harvest of beet, obtained on variant 6, the stock of boron in the soil is insufficient and that it is consequently necessary to introduce it as micromanure.


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01. 12. 1954.

How to Cite

Petijević, O. (1954). UTICAJ BORA NA PRINOS STOČNE REPE NA KISELOM ZEMLJIŠTU FAKULTETSKOG DOBRA "SLATINA" SARAJEVO. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 3(4-5), 5–23. https://doi.org/10.54652/rsf.1954.v3.i4-5.327