Dendroflora of the urban part of Srebrenik municipality


  • Sanida Bektić The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Tuzla
  • Samira Huseinović The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Tuzla
  • Elvedin Šabanović The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Tuzla



The results of the research on the urban dendroflora of the Srebrenik minicipality are presented in this paper. The research was conducted in the period March-August 2020-2021. In the field of research, 100 taxa were identified, which were classified into 37 families and 64 genera. The family Rosaceae stands out with the largest number of taxa, followed by Pinaceae, Aceraceae, and Cupressaceae. The analysis of the presence of deciduous and evergreen elements shows that deciduous trees predominate in the dendroflora of Srebrenik in relation to evergreen taxa. In the dendroflora of Srebrenik, allochthonous taxa (50 taxa) are more represented than autochthonous taxa (48 taxa). According to the number of taxa, angiosperms dominate (84 taxa) compared to gymnosperms (16 taxa). Allochthonous dendroflora shows the largest representation of taxa of Eurasian origin, followed by taxa from Asia, North America, Europe, while all others are represented by less than 10 taxa. The results of research on the dendroflora of Srebrenik show a lack of park areas and urban greenery, so it is necessary to pay special attention to the arrangement of existing and the formation of new green areas.


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01. 12. 2020.

How to Cite

Bektić, S., Huseinović, S., & Šabanović, E. (2020). Dendroflora of the urban part of Srebrenik municipality. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 50(2), 49–58.