The effect of Sphaeropsis sapinea on conifer decline in Serbia and Montenegro
Sphaeropsis sapinea, Pinus decline, Serbia, MontenegroAbstract
UDK 630*44:582.4(497.1)
S. sapinea is a cosmopolitian and polyphagous pathogenic fungus, identified in more than 50 countries of the world. The greatest damages have been occured on Pinus species. In Serbia and Montenegro it is widely distributed both in the continental and Mediteranean part. It is recorded on ten Pinus species – P. nigra, P. sylvestris, P. halepensis, P. pinaster, P. jeffrey, P. ponderosa, P. pinea, P. heldreichii, P. peuce, P. mugo, and on species of six other coniferous genera - Abies concolor, Cedrus atlantica, Chamaecyparis lawsoniana, Cupressus sempervirens, Juniperus virginiana and Thuja occidentalis. Most of the damages occured in Austrian and Allepo pine plantations and also in urban areas. For the first time S. sapinea was registered in Serbia on Pinus nigra in 1981. On P. heldreichii, a Tertiary relic and a Balkan subendemic, it was first recorded on individual trees near Pećka Patrijaršija in 1993, and after that, near the Monastery Ostrog. It was the first report of S. sapinea on this plant host in Serbia and Montenegro. S. sapinea can infect almost each part of host plant, causing many symptoms. However, the most common symptoms are shoot blight, characterized by stunted dead shoots and needles, bud wilt, stem cankers and branch dieback. It also causes the necroses of the seed cones and their dwarfishness. S. sapinea penetrates through buds, bark of young shoots and needles. The critical period of infection is from middle of April till the middle of May, when infections mainly occur through the bark of young shoots, which results in their dying. The very early symptoms on the young shoots were mostly observed at the first part of May. Changing of color of infected needles can be seen at the beginning of June, while in the middle of June they become yellow-brown. Infections through the needles occur mainly at the time of their sudden growth or during summer months. Second year seed cones are susceptible to the infection in the second decade of April. Current year seed cones can be infected as well. Pycnidia have been observed on young shoots and needles, pollen and seed cones, buds, current year and second year cones, and in the bark of older branches P. nigra. Pycnidia with mature conidia can be formed during the same year of infection. In the bark of young shoots, they were identified at the end of June and on the cones at the beginning of the third decade of July.The size of S. sapinea conidia on different Pinus species is very variable throughout the world and ranges widely from 16.8-55.0 x 7.0-21.0mm. Our study shows that the size of pycnospores in our country is also variable and it ranges 14.8-51.4 x 9.7-20.2 mm. S. sapinea is parasite able to infect undamaged young shoots of P. nigra. It is proved by artificial inoculations in controlled conditions and in the field. The optimal temperature for spore germination and germ tube growth is 27 ºC, and the optimal temperature for mycelia growth on the media PDA and MEA is 28 ºC. The formation of fruiting bodies in the culture is affected by light and the presence of sterilised needles on the mycelium. The correct and timely control measures can contribute to reduce the consequences of this serious disease, by the combined application of silvicultural and chemical measures. Chemical control is recommended in the nurseries, severely infected plantations and in urban environments. The copper fungicides showed the greatest efficiency.
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