
  • Valentin Roth Šumarski institut, Jastrebarsko, Hrvatska - Forest Research Institute Jastrebarsko, Croatia
  • Tomislav Dubravac Šumarski institut, Jastrebarsko, Hrvatska - Forest Research Institute Jastrebarsko, Croatia



Austrian pine (Pinus nigra Arn.), seed processing, seed density/filled


UDK 630*232:582.475

The investigation used Austrian pine seed originating from the clonal seed orchard "Prkos" (unacknowledged), Forest Administration Branch Office Gospić, Forest Office Gospić (crop 2001), processed during the winter of 2001/2002 in the seed extraction plant of the Jastrebarsko Forest Research Institute (ROTH 2002).

During sowing in the nursery seed selection plant, the amount of seedlings per unit of area was essential (depending on the period in the seed selection plant), which depends on the quality of seed (seed density/filled, cleanness, germination capacity, etc), and on the amount of the seed sown (piece/m2 or g/m2), which is determined by a formula, on the basis of which the required amount of seed is obtained for the desired number of plants. Until now in forestry practice mainly the norms achieved from practice and the method of calculating the number, i.e. amount of seed per m2 , have mainly been used for deciding on sowing density.

Investigations carried out by the authors clearly show that with processed seed (up to 98 % density, filled) from a smaller number of seeds a larger number of plants was obtained compared to the number of plants obtained from lower quality processed seed (Tables 2 and 3).

Furthermore, sowing based on the formula "1" (X = number of seed / m2) 40

%   to 45 % of the desired number of plants can be obtained (desired number "A", Table 2). While sowing the seed amount by the formula "2" (N = amount of seed in g / m2) 3.5 times more Austrian pine plants were obtained than the desired number (desired number "V").

On the basis of these investigations it can be concluded that in the case of formula "1"

: X = A / č k e, for the purpose of accuracy, the numerator (or the right side) should be multiplied by 2, while in the case of formula "2" : N = (10 V A / K Č) k, instead of number 10 in the numerator, number 3 should be used, or the whole right side should be divided by  3.

By altering the existing formulae for calculation of the required amount of seed for the desired number of plants, greater accuracy would be achieved, which was confirmed in these investigations of Austrian pine seed.


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01. 12. 2004.

How to Cite

Roth, V. ., & Dubravac, T. (2004). CONTRIBUTION TO KNOWLEDGE OF NURSERY PRODUCTION OF AUSTRIAN PINE (Pinus nigra Arn.). Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 34(1), 35–46.