
  • Đorđije Milanović Faculty of Forestry University of Banja Luka
  • Semir Maslo Primary School, Lundåkerskola, Gislaved
  • Šemso Šarić Jelaške, Olovo



Bosnia and Herzegovina, Carex extensa, Carex punctata, conservation status, new floristic records


UDK: 582.542.11(497.6)

During systematic field research of genus Carex in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the period of 2014-2018. two species from sect. Spirostachyae Drejer ex L. H. Bailey have been recorded for the first time in the flora of the country: Carex extensa Gooden. and Carex punctata Gaudin. While C. punctata is a quite common species growing in damp and wet habitat types over serpentine substrates in Central Bosnia, C. extensa is recorded as very rare along the Adriatic Sea coast on Klek Peninsula (southern Bosnia and Herzegovina), and recognized as critically endangered (CR) in the country.


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18. 11. 2021.

How to Cite

Milanović, Đorđije, Maslo, S., & Šarić, Šemso. (2021). TWO SPECIES OF GENUS CAREX SECT. SPIROSTACHYAE (CYPERACEAE) NEW TO BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 49(2), 21–26.