
  • Dušan Maksimović Poljoprivredni fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu




In Bosnia and Herzegovina, 48% of the agricultural area are pastures.
The present condition of these pastures cannot answer the needs of cattle breeding, because,; the qualitative and quantitative yield is on an average low. The analyses of the plant composition show that on the three. fourths of our pastures Nardus stricta can be mostly found. Without regard to the opinion, what is the feeding value of Nardus stricta the fact that it >is so widespread gives it great economic importance. There is an opinion that Nardus stricta is one of the most annoying weeđs and that it must be endeavored to weeđ it out. But it is very difficult to take it for granted that Nardus will disappear from our pastures so soon after the meliorations and that it is going to give its place over to the better plants and cease to be the source of hay for winter cattle feeding. Because of that in such conditions, in order to get a better quality of hay from the pastures which reconsidered bad after the usual botanic classification, besides the question of irrigations, great importance has been given to the question of the improvement of the technological processes of getting hay.

The object of this work is the close examination of the composition and the feeding value of hay of the plant community Nardetum strictae on Gvozno Polje (1400 m above the sea level), the part of the massif Treskavica in the district of Kalinovik.


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01. 12. 1954.

How to Cite

Maksimović, D. (1954). UTICAJ DOBA KOSIDBE I NAČINA SUŠENJA NA SASTAV I HRANLJIVOST SENA BILJNE ZAJEDNICE NARDETUM STRICTAE. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 3(4-5), 75–115. https://doi.org/10.54652/rsf.1954.v3.i4-5.333