The Sava River, biodiversity, trematodes, fishAbstract
UDK: 597:576.89(497.6) (282.249)
The prevalence and intensity of trematodes ectoparasites in freshwater fish are presented in this paper. Parasitology researches were conducted during 2017 in the middle course of the river Sava near Orašje. All results from this study were tested with the use of nonparametric tests (χ2, Kruskal-Wallis test and Spearman test of corellation) in the statistical package STATISTICA 7. The total of 400 sampled specimens of different fish species were parasitologically tested. The trematodes from the class Monogenea (Dactylogyrus, Gyrodactylus and Eudiplozoon nipponicum) and Digenea (Posthodiplostomum cuticola) were found on the skin and the gills of the fish. The genus Dactylogyrus was found on 27 specimens, or 6.75%. Intensity of the infection for the genus Dactylogyrus did not show any significant deviations during different seasons. Parasites from the genus Gyrodactylus were found on the skin and the gills of 40 infected specimens, dominantly found on the gills. The species Eudiplozoon nipponicum was found in low prevalence in the total ichthyo sample of 1.75%. The presence of the species Posthodiplostomum cuticola is established in 18 specimens and the prevalence of the infection in total sample was 4.5%.
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