Trend population, spatial distribution and main threats to large carnivores in the Neum municipality area


  • Nikola Menalo Karlovac University of Applied Sciences



The existence of three species of large animals in Bosnia and Herzegovina, this country has a significant role in preserving the biological diversity and types of these species. Large animals often use preserved habitats of
old forest stands, but in the absence of maquis. This work confirms for the first time the presence of wolves and bears in the Euro-Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean habitat in the south of Bosnia and Herzegovina and provides an overview of the populations in this area. 


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Službene novine Federacije BiH broj: 63/08,38/22

Službene novine Federacije BiH“ br.4/06,8/10 i 81/14

Službene novine Federacije BiH“, broj 7/14


31. 12. 2022.

How to Cite

Menalo, N. (2022). Trend population, spatial distribution and main threats to large carnivores in the Neum municipality area. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 52(2).