Calligonum polygonoides, Koelreuteria paniculata, seed, dormancy, pretreatmentAbstract
UDK: 631.547.1:582.665.11]:630*232(560)
631.547.1: 582.746.46]:630*232(560)
The success of the afforestation works (ecological and biological compatibility, economic success, etc.) depends on the use of seeds of known origin or quality seedlings. For this reason, it is important to determine seed characteristics and to eliminate dormancy. In this study, it was aimed to determine the germination characteristics of seeds of Calligonumpolygonoides L. collected from Iğdır and KoelreuteriapaniculataLaxm. obtained from Trabzon. In order to eliminate the dormancy for Calligonumpolygonoides, 11 different pretreatments including control, cold water (1-2 days), hot water (10-15 min), gibberellic acid (GA3 1000 ppm, GA3 3000 ppm), sulfuric acid (H2SO4, 5-10 min), 5 min with H2SO4 + 20 min with GA3 1000 ppm and 10 min with H2SO4 + 20 min with GA3 3000 ppm were applied. The highest germination percentage was obtained as 50% in sulfuric acid (5 min) pretreatment, while the lowest germination percentage was obtained as 3.33% in control pretreatment. In hot water pretreatments, germination didn't occur. In order to eliminate the dormancy for Koelreuteriapaniculata, pretreatments including control, cold water (1 day), hot water (10 min), GA3 1000 ppm, GA3 3000 ppm, H2SO4 5-10 min, 5 min with H2SO4 + 20 min with GA3 1000 ppm and 10 min with H2SO4 + 20 min with GA3 3000 ppm were applied. While the lowest germination percentage occurred as 73.33% in H2SO4 (10 min) pretreatment, the highest germination percentage took place as 93.33% in 10 min with H2SO4 + 20 min with GA3 3000 ppm and cold water (1 day) pretreatments.
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