Rast, razvoj i zdravstveno stanje jele (Abies alba Mill.) u Kantonu Sarajevo


  • Osman Mujezinović Šumarski fakultet, Univerzitet u Sarajevu
  • Sead Ivojević Šumarski fakultet, Univerzitet u Sarajevu
  • Tarik Treštić Šumarski fakultet, Univerzitet u Sarajevu
  • Damir Prljača Šumarski fakultet, Univerzitet u Sarajevu
  • Mehmed Čilaš Šumarski fakultet, Univerzitet u Sarajevu
  • Kenan Zahirović Šumsko-privredno društvo Zeničko-dobojskog kantona" d.o.o. Zavidovići



Ključne riječi:

silver fir, health status, growth, development


Silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) stands as a pivotal tree species in Bosnia and Herzegovina, holding paramount ecological, economic, and sociological significance. Its role is fundamental in the context of uneven-aged forest management, a prevailing practice in the region. Contributing not only to biodiversity but crucially to the stability of our ecosystems, silver fir faces a discernible decline in recent times, attributed to the intricate interplay of abiotic and biotic factors.

Among abiotic factors, the foremost influences include wind and fire, while within the realm of biotic factors, notable contributors to the decline encompass mistletoe, rot fungi, cancer, witches' brooms on fir, bark beetles, and fir moth miner. The silver fir exhibits remarkable responsiveness to increased light inflows, emphasizing the imperative to establish favorable conditions for its sustained growth and development throughout its life cycle. This collective understanding underscores the importance of addressing both abiotic and biotic factors to ensure the continued vitality of the silver fir in the unique ecosystems of Bosnia and Herzegovina


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15. 05. 2024.

How to Cite

Mujezinović, O., Ivojević, S., Treštić, T., Prljača, D., Čilaš, M., & Zahirović, K. (2024). Rast, razvoj i zdravstveno stanje jele (Abies alba Mill.) u Kantonu Sarajevo. Radovi Šumarskog Fakulteta Univerziteta U Sarajevu, 53(2). https://doi.org/10.54652/rsf.2023.v53.i2.577

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