Otpornost na sušu različitih provenijencija bukve (Fagus sylvatica L.) iz dijela prirodnog areala iz Bosne i Hercegovine


  • Sead Ivojević Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Ćemal Višnjić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Faruk Mekić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo



Ključne riječi:

beech, provenance, drought, resistance, LD50


UDK 582.632.2:630*233(497.6)

This paper covers a study of the drought-resistance of five provenances of beech in its natural range in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Seeds for this study were gathered in the autumn 2007, and their resulting seedlings were grown in 2008 to produce the material used for the drought-resistance tests.

The results of the drought tests and the lethal dose from 50 calculations suggest that there are clear differences in drought-resistance between the provenances tested. Given that the tested provenances are from an area with varying eco-climatic conditions, the probable conclusion is that drought-resistance is hereditary. The results of the study form a sound basis for the selection of seeds which grow to seedlings used to afforest more extreme habitats.


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01. 06. 2012.

How to Cite

Ivojević, S. ., Višnjić, Ćemal ., & Mekić, F. . (2012). Otpornost na sušu različitih provenijencija bukve (Fagus sylvatica L.) iz dijela prirodnog areala iz Bosne i Hercegovine. Radovi Šumarskog Fakulteta Univerziteta U Sarajevu, 42(1), 19–28. https://doi.org/10.54652/rsf.2012.v42.i1.128

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