Adaptacija postojećih ravnih krovova solitera u zelene krovove na području Općine Kakanj u cilju osnaživanja i promovisanja koncepta urbane poljoprivrede
DOI:čne riječi:
Urban agriculture, municipality Kakanj, green roofs, honey plants, beekeepingSažetak
The Municipality of Kakanj, an industrial municipality, emphasizes the crucial importance of environmental preservation, development encouragement, and the improvement of urban agriculture. In urban planning, a return to fundamental values aligned with population needs is essential. Urban spaces should encompass functions related to housing, livelihoods, social utility, and interaction. However, the issue arises with the reduction of green areas due to building construction, causing a disconnect between people and nature in their fast-paced urban daily lives. For this reason, green roofs on residential buildings are one way for residents to have daily contact with greenery, ultimately promoting a healthier and more active lifestyle. The creation of green roofs often provides the opportunity for urban beekeeping (depending on the location), which has been considered one of the solutions to the bee extinction problem and the increase in pollinators in recent years.
The aim of this project is to develop a conceptual plan for adapting the existing flat roofs of three towers (S-1, S-2, S-3) built in the 1980s in the Municipality of Kakanj into green roofs. These green roofs will create the potential to strengthen and expand the importance of urban agriculture, bringing a range of ecological, social, and economic benefits. This project seeks to redefine the skyline by replacing conventional roofs with lush green roofs, nurturing a harmonious blend of nature and urban life.
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