Length of wood fibers and thickness of their walls in stem and branches of beech (Fagus silvatica L.)
stem, branches, wood fibers, normal wood, tension woodAbstract
Variation of length of fibers and thickness of their walls within stem and normal and tensioned wood of branches of beech (Fagus silvatica L.) was studied.
Length of the wood fibers within stem vary from 0,394 to 1,654 (X= 0,954±0,00748 mm). Length of the fibers within normal and tensioned wood of branches vary from 0,316 to 1,252 mm (X=0,638±0,00258 mm) and from 0,328 to 1,030 mm (X 0,612±0,00277 mm) respectively.
Wood fibers within normal wood of branches are longer for 0,026 mm then within tensioned wood but they are shorter for 0,316 mm then in stem.
Thickness of the walls of wood fibers within stem vary from 0,0019 to 0,0078 mm (X=0,0049±0,00000540 mm). Thickness of walls of the wood fibers within normal and tensioned wood of branches are same, varying from 0,0019 to 0,0078 mm (X=0,003 5±0,00000231 mm) but they are thinner for 0,0014 mm then those within stem.
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