Regeneration in mature embrio culture of Picea omorika
Picea omorika, embrio, RegenerationAbstract
Complete plants of Picea omorika have been regenerized on modified medium 1/2 x MS with four combinations of auxin and cytokinin. Micropropagation procedure has been developed trough three phases: (i) induction of adventive bud formation, (ii) elongation and differentiation of adventive buds to shoots, and (iii) multiplication of shoots and rooting.
The highest percentage of induced buds has been realized on 1/2 x MS medium with KIN 10 uM + IAA 0,05 uM + IBA 0,05 uM. BA 5 uM + IAA 0,05 uM + IBA 0,05 uM. For the inductive phase of adventive bud formation in culture besides characteristic of cytocinin and auxin amount, darkness was very important during the first ten days, as wel as amplified intensities of differential light spectrum of 670 and 460 nm. Differentiation and elongation of adventive shoots has been performed on 1/3 x MS medium with decreased content of sucrose, myo-inositol and absence of phytohormones in the medium. Shoots multiplication has been provided by pulsing in 0,125 uM solution KIN + 10 uM BA in 1/2 x MS medium. Risogenesis of elongated and multiplied shoots has been initiated on 1/2 x MS medium with high concentracion of IAA (0,125 mg/l).
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