
  • Jurij Marenče Biotechnological Faculty University of Ljubljana
  • Anđelko Brnić PE „Hercegbosanske šume“ d.o.o. Kupres
  • Marijan Šušnjar Faculty of Forestry University of Zagreb




Skidder, wheel slip, wood extraction, mechanic transmission, hydrostatic transmission


UDK: 630*31:630*36

In the paper is conducted comparison of the wheel slip of the two different skidders in the equal conditions of extraction (equal loads and slopes of the tractor road and skid trail). The first skidder in the research is ECOTRAC 120 V of the Croatian manufacturer Hittner d.o.o. with the mechanical transmission and the other skidder is of the Slovenian manufacture WOODY 110 with the hydrostatic transmission.                                                                                                                                                                   

Wheel slip of the skidder during the research is determined on the basis of the number of wheel rotations. Distance travelled is calculated from the multiplied number of rotations of the fifth wheel and its circumference.

During the extraction downhill, the wheel slip is negative. Generally, it could be said that, in the same conditions during the extraction uphill, wheel slip is increased with the increase of load weight and during the extraction downhill are less negative values of slip with the increase of the load weight.                                                                                                                                                                  

By comparing the wheel slip at the researched skidders are established the advantages of the hydrostatic mechanic transmission during the wood extraction uphill. But, during the extraction downhill, with the mechanic transmission are achieved less wheel slips.


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01. 12. 2017.

How to Cite

Marenče, J. ., Brnić, A. ., & Šušnjar, M. . (2017). WHEEL SLIP DURING WOOD EXTRACTION. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 47(2), 36–48. https://doi.org/10.54652/rsf.2017.v47.i2.58