Phytocoenological and ecological typification of the March Mushroom (Hygrophorus marzuolus (Fr.) Bres.) habitat in Bijambare, Sarajevo Canton


  • Anis Hasanbegović Zemaljski muzej BiH, Zmaja od Bosne 3, Sarajevo
  • Dario Pintarić Srednja škola za okoliš i drvni dizajn, Vilsonovo 11, Sarajevo



March Mushroom, biodiversity, mushrooms, Bijambare, forest


Biodiversity of mushrooms in FBiH is poorly researched, as well as the areas of distribution and ecological conditions under which mushrooms develop. This is also the case with the March Mushroom, so the main goal of the paper is to present the ecological conditions under which it develops. For the research, we used the Braun-Blanket (1932) method with all necessary parameters related to the selected habitat. These are: phytocenological affiliation, flora element, indicator value, and life form. The abundance of fungi was provided according to Tortić and Lisiewska (1971). Chemical analysis of the soil with basic parameters was also done. March Mushroom was detected in the Abieti-Fagetum in the locality of Motike within the "ZP Bijambare". This is the new site for the March Mushroom. Primary indicator values prevail in the association. Species of the order Fagetalia are the most numerous within the researched association. Hemicryptophytes prevail among the life forms. A total of 25 floral elements from 9 groups were determined. The largest number of species belongs to the sub-Atlantic-sub-Mediterranean group. The floral element with the largest number of determined species is subatl-smed. Fortunately, this locality is quite far from hiking trails, which is important, considering it as an extremely rich site of the March Mushroom.


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31. 07. 2024.

How to Cite

Hasanbegović, A., & Pintarić, D. (2024). Phytocoenological and ecological typification of the March Mushroom (Hygrophorus marzuolus (Fr.) Bres.) habitat in Bijambare, Sarajevo Canton. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 54(1).