
  • Kemala Doljančić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Mirza Dautbašić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Osman Mujezinović Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo



urban environment, urban green areas, linden, phytophagous mites


UDK: 595.42:582.685.4(497.6 Sarajevo)

Urban green areas in Sarajevo are of the most importance for the overall appearance of the city and the quality of life in it. In recent years there has been a decline in the area under vegetation. The main reason for the loss and degradation of green areas is anthropogenic factor which predisposes urban greenery with its activities to various other biotic and abiotic factors. Air pollution, drought, high temperatures, soil and water pollution are group of abiotic factors which synergetic cause physiological changes in plant species. The fall of physiological resistance causes exposure of plants to biotic factors, especially insects, fungi, and recently mites.

In this paper, the research was conducted in order to determine the identification of harmful species of mites on the linden trees and determine the intensity of infection. Linden trees are designed as an avenue that stretches from Suada and Olga Bridge to the TV home in Alipašino Polje. Identification was based on symptoms established on the leaf material directly in the field and in the laboratory with the use of microscopes and binoculars. Laboratory studies were carried out at the Faculty of Forestry in Sarajevo. The intensity of infection of trees was determined HAWKSWORH'S six class system (1986).

A total of 200 trees were analyzed of which is the 136 infected by phytophagous mites. We identified five types of mites. Found species belonged to the family Eriophyidae and Tetranychidae. Following types of mites are identified from the first family: Eriophyestiliae (Eriophyoidea), Eriophyestiliaelateannulatus (Eriophyoidea), Eriophyesexilis (Eriophyoidea), and Eriophyesleiosoma (Eriophyoidea). From other family revealed the presence of mite Eotetranychustiliarum (Tetranychoidea).

The result of research conducted in the period from May to August showed a tendency of all recorded species of mites to the lower parts of the tree crown and going to the higher parts their numbers are decreasing.


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01. 12. 2015.

How to Cite

Doljančić, K. ., Dautbašić, M. ., & Mujezinović, O. . (2015). MITES ON LINDEN TREES (TILIA SPP.) IN SARAJEVO. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 45(2), 69–82.

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