Categorisation of forests according to their purpose


  • Vladimir Beus Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina



categorization of forests, managed forests, protected forests, forests with specific purpose, forests unsuitable for managing


UDK 502/504:630*4(497.6)


According to the provisions of the forest law, forests and forest soils with special system of management comprise protection forests and forests wiht specific purpose as separate categories of forests when observed from aspect of their purpose. Category of «protection forests» contradicts with postulates of forest science and with polyvalent functions of forests, among which protective function of forests has multiple and remarkable significance. Protective role of forests is immaculate for forest as natural phenomenon, therefore separation of «protection forest» and its proclamation as such is absurd notion. These facts illustrate the need for different classificationn and redefinition of forest categorization according to their purpose.

Concerning these premises, work offers categorization of forests according to their purpose, in a range of following four categories:

  • Forests and forest soils of productive character (Managed forests)
  • Protected forests
  • Forests and forest soils with specific purposes
  • Forests and forest soils unsuitable for managing (Extreme orographic and/or edaphically conditions)


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01. 06. 2009.

How to Cite

Beus, V. (2009). Categorisation of forests according to their purpose. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 39(1), 1–8.

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