Conversion of the sessil oak Quercus petraea Matt. (Liebl.) coppices into high forests
conversion, oak coppices, oak management, sessile oakAbstract
The problem of the reconstruction of sessile oak coppices in Bosnia-Herzegovina
which are extended on the area of 218.000 ha is discussed. Current wood production
of these stands, and especially their quality, is inadequate, even on the sites with a very
good soil conditions. To improve the productivity and the wood quality of these oak
stands experiments were curried out in a 50-60 years old sessile oak coppice, studing
possibility of their conversion into high and more productive forests. Results achieved
showed that oak coppices may be converted into high forests indirectly by means of
the successive selective thinning what is both from biological and economical štand
point more effective. This means a selection of at least 150-200 trees per hectare
(prefering those of seed origin), which are of relatively good quality and well distrib-
uted, thus to become the leaders for future forest, and sucessive thining the concurent
trees in 10 years rotations. It is suggested the production period to last about 120 years.
After 50-60 years it is expected to have sufficient trees of relatively good quality, suitable for the natural regeneration.
Some other methods of conversion are discussed as well.
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