Prilog poznavanju entomofaune šuma Bosne i Hercegovine


  • Emil Georgijević Šumarski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu
  • Dragutin Luteršek Šumarski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu
  • Dragiša Gavrilović Šumarski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu
  • Mubera Jarebica Šumarski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu



entomofauna, prilog, Bosna i Hercegovina, šume


In this learned paper are presented results of explorations of the fauna of Insects in forests of Bosnia and Herzegovina. As the fauna of insects In Bosnia and Herzegovina is only partially studied, this kind of exploration is interesting from the faunistic standpoint, as well as, from standpoint of forestry sciences, in order to know more about the structure of zoocenosas of our forest biocenosis.

But from standpoint of protection of forests those explorations are especially important; and having in mind chiefly, problems of protection of forests these explorations by their character are striving to protect forests.

From that point of view, the results of these explorations could explain some of the reasons of aberrations of biocenosis complexes In some of our managed forests, because the explorations have been done in managed forests, as well as, in our autochthonic forests of virgin forest character. In this way were enabled to make comparisons based on comparative explorations in managed forests and forests of virgin forest character.

Our forest explorations have been done at every of three main zonally disposed climatic regions; low region of Bosanska Posavina, mountainous region with region of high mountains and southerly from that, Mediterranean region of Herzegovina. So we included every of three regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina: low Panonia region, Dinaric region and the Mediterranean region.

Comparative explorations have made us to draw some conclusions, as for example, that some groups of mesofauna in upper stratum of forest soil are present more uniformly in virgin forest associations than in managed forests of similar structure. Groups of Myrlapodaes and Arafchnldaes are more present at forest soils of virgin forests, where they make big populations. Groups of Coleopteraes, Dipteraes and Nematodaes according to the number of organisms, make bigger populations in managed, forests than in forests of virgin forest character, while other groups are present in bigger populations in virgin forest. There are some variations in structure and relations in pedofauna, which are dependent chiefly on climatic, i.e., micro-climatic conditions, In the first place on moisture.

Surface fauna of insects has been caught by boxes for catching in associations -tree (Perućica, Dobri Do, Igman and Radova), In associations of juniper-tree (Perućica and Igman). We concluded that soil substratum and geological subratum in association of beech-tree In not much important for Carabidae family and that family is present great in percentage.

Virgin forest associations are characterized by a greater number of species of some particular families. So we found in Perućica, Dobri Do, Igman and Radova 62, 31, 24 and 22 Carabidae species, respectively. Representatives of the Staphylinidae family in the greatest percentage are present in beech-tree forests in Radava beech-tree forests on silicic soil) but in the association of fir-tree in virgin forest Perućica, that family is also present in great percentage,

Carabidae family has especially been studied at all objects: in virgin forest, associations have been found between 17,00 and 57,00% of 100 species, which are known, while percentage, that has been found In managed forests is between 23,00 and 25,00%, The most abounding place with that fauna is virgin forest Perućica (57 species). A great number of species of that family has also been found in the virgin forest reservation Janj. Analysts of the rest of the fauna have also shown a greater number of species of some particular families In virgin forest associations than In managed forest associations.

There are some variations of insects fauna in crowns according to species, which are present and the number of individuals} generally speaking insects of Curculionidae family are dominant. That phenomenon is especially emphasized at Igman.

Species of families Chrisomelldoe, Curcullonidae and Eldtarldae are less numerous in those associa Hons where beech-tree is dominant than in those where conifers are dominant. By a comparison between virgin forest association of beech- tree and beech-tree associotion in managed forest we found out that number of species in crowns of virgin forest is nearly four times greater. In associations of Abieto-Fagetum with great portion of conifers there are not such kind of differences.

In a methodical summary of entomofauna are presented faunistic specifications of a certain number of species, which has economic importance, as well as, some biological and ecological specifications. Up to now, by these our explorations in Bosnian and Herzegovinian forests have been found 1337 insect species of 142 families of 16 orders of insects.


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01. 10. 1976.

How to Cite

Georgijević, E., Luteršek, D., Gavrilović, D., & Jarebica, M. (1976). Prilog poznavanju entomofaune šuma Bosne i Hercegovine. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 10(1), 1–229.

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