ISSN: 1512-5769
E-ISSN: 2490-3183



Article 1. 

This Ordinance establishes the goal, tasks, organization, and conditions of work of the editorship and editorial board of the journal of the Forestry Faculty of the University of Sarajevo “Works of the Forestry Faculty of the University of Sarajevo” (further on in this document: “Works”).

Article 2.

The owner and publisher of “Works” are the Faculty of Forestry of the University of Sarajevo (further on in this document the Faculty).

Article 3.

“Works” and special editions of “Works” (editorials) are the primary and basic publication of the scientific research and professional work of the teaching and research staff of the Faculty and other related disciplines.
– Funds for editing, publication, and distribution of “Works” are provided by the Faculty
– Funds for editing, publication, and distribution of special editions of “Works” (editorials) of “Works” are provided by the printing initiator.


Article 4.

The following are responsible for the editing, publication, and distribution of the “Works”:
1) Editorialship of “Works” and
2) Editorial board of “Works”

Article 5.

The editorship consists of:
• editor-in-chief,
• deputy editor-in-chief,
• technical editor and,
• president of the editorial board.

The editorial board consists of:
• editorship,
• Faculty representatives and,
• representatives of other institutions.

Article 6.

The editor-in-chief of “Works” is appointed by the Faculty Council (further on in this document: the Council) on the proposal of the Dean of the Faculty.
The deputy editor-in-chief and technical editor are appointed by the Faculty Council, on the proposal of the editor-in-chief.
The president of the “Works” editorial board is the vice dean for scientific research and finance.

Article 7.

The mandate of the editor-in-chief lasts four years. After the end of the mandate, the editor-in-chief can remain in position for a maximum of one more mandate.
The mandate of a member of the editorial board lasts four years and can be renewed for a maximum of one more mandate.
If a member of the editorial board retires or changes his/her position, he/she can remain in the editorial office on duty until the end of his mandate.
Article 8.
The editor-in-chief prepares, convenes, and chairs editorialship meetings and is responsible for the quality of its work.
The editor-in-chief charges a fee for his work by the appointment decision. If the editor-in-chief is unable to do so, his duties and responsibilities are taken over by the deputy editor-in-chief. If the deputy editor-in-chief performs the duties of the editor-in-chief due to his inability to do so, he shall be charged for his work by the decision on the appointment of the editor-in-chief. The technical editor charges a fee for his work by the appointment decision.

Article 9.

The duties and tasks of the editorialship are:
• popularization and provision of articles for “Works”
• creation of instructions to authors for the preparation of the article,
• administration of received articles (communication with authors, reviewers, and proofreaders),
• determining the order of publication of positively reviewed works,
• technical editing of the magazine,
• editing, publication, and distribution of the “Works” of the Faculty
• editing, publication and distribution of “Special Editions of Works” (editorials),
• reporting to the Council on the editorial work (twice a year, in June and December of the current year).

Article 10.

The editor-in-chief and deputy editor-in-chief are removed from position if the Council does not accept the report on the work of the editorship for the past period.
A member of the editorship can be removed from position even before the end of the mandate if he does not attend the meetings of the editorship or does not perform the assumed duties on time and according to the expected quality.
The proposal for the dismissal of a member of the editorship with an explanation is submitted to the Council by the editor-in-chief.

Article 11.

The editorial board of the journal “Works” consists of several members:
• editorship, 4 members;
• representatives from the Faculty of Forestry, 6 members, one from each Chair;
• representatives of other institutions, an unlimited number of members.

Article 12.

The representatives of the Faculty on the editorial board of the journal “Works” are appointed by the Faculty Council on the proposal of each Chair.
The procedure for appointing Faculty representatives in the magazine's editorial office is initiated by the President of the editorial board at the beginning of his mandate.

Article 13.

The chairs nominate one representative to the editorial board of the journal.
The representative of the Faculty on the editorial board of the magazine must be a teacher.
Representatives of other institutions are appointed by the editorial board of the Faculty on the proposal of the president of the editorial board, the Chair, or members of the Editorial Board, taking into account the representation of all fields.
Members of the editorial board do not charge a fee for their work.

Article 14.

The mandate of the members of the editorial board lasts four years and can be renewed for a maximum of four more years. If a member of the editorial board retires or changes his position, he can remain on duty until the end of his mandate.
A member of the editorial board from the Faculty may be removed from office even before the end of the mandate if he does not attend editorial board sessions or does not perform his duties on time and according to the expected quality.
A proposal for the dismissal of a member of the editorial board with an explanation can be submitted to the Council by the president of the editorial board and the Head of the Chair whose representative he is. In the process of dismissal of a member of the editorial board, the opinion of the Chair whose member is the representative is also obtained.

Article 15.

The president of the editorial board convenes and chairs the meetings of the editorial board and is responsible for the quality of its work. Editorial board meetings are held at least once every six months, and earlier if necessary. The president of the editorial board does not charge a fee for his work.

Article 16.

The tasks of the editorial board are:
• drafting a proposal for the “Works” publishing policy,
• creating proposals for the appearance and content of the volume “Works” by parts,
• directing and coordinating the editorial work,
• concern for the representation of all scientific and teaching areas,
• proposing a list of reviewers for scientific fields.


Article 17.

One volume of “Works” with two numbers is printed in a calendar year. If the number of articles received makes it possible, the volume can contain more issues, provided that the regularity of the publication of the increased number is maintained in the coming period.
Exceptionally, in the event of a delay in the publication of issues during the year, it is possible to print more issues to catch up with the regularity of publication.

Article 18.

The volume and numbers of “Works” are published in printed form, on the website of Works ( and the website of the Faculty, in electronic form (PDF format), in the official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in Latin script, with with a summary in English or English with a summary in the official languages of BiH. The title of the work must contain the title in English and the title in the official language of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Latin alphabet.
Papers can be published on the paper's website after positive reviews and before the printed version (the so-called pre-print version online).

Article 19.

The “Works” website was created on the OJS system (Open Journal System) and contains:
• history of works,
• instructions to authors,
• searchable archive of all works,
• information about the editorship office and editorial board,
• databases related to the magazine,
• and all other contents related to the magazine
The content of the site is both in English and the official language of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosnian language in Latin script).

Article 20.

In “Works” original works are published, which can be original, reviewed, and previous communications.
Scientific papers are those articles with original research results. Professional articles important for the forestry profession are also published.
Exceptionally, at the invitation of the editors, articles by eminent scientists who deal with a certain issue or “in memoriam” of prominent teachers or personalities who have significantly contributed to the development of the Faculty or the forestry profession and the profession in general or contributed to the group of biotechnical sciences can be published.

Article 21.

Special editions of “Works” (editorials) consist of thematic treated units related to forestry science and practice. Special editions of Works (editorials) publish articles by prominent scientists and experts in the field of forestry and biotechnical sciences.
Abstracts or proceedings from scientific conferences or congresses can also be published as special editions.

Article 22.

Special editions of “Works” (editorials) are written in the official languages of BiH, in Latin script, with a summary in English, or English with a summary in the official languages of BiH.

Article 23.

Articles for publication are submitted to the address of the “Works” editorial office, electronically, to the official address of the papers, or via the “Works” website through the Open Journal System (OJS). Articles are accepted throughout the calendar year.

Article 24.

Articles must be written following the instructions given to the authors.
Instructions to authors are an integral part of this Rulebook in the form of an attachment.

Article 25.

Detailed instructions for writing articles are published on the Works website and the Faculty website.
An abstract from the Instructions to Authors is printed in each issue of “Works” with a note that detailed instructions are published on the website of the Works and the website of the Faculty.
Papers that are not prepared following the Instructions are returned to the authors for additional alignment before being sent to reviewers.

Article 26.

“Works” publishes articles that have received two positive reviews.

Article 27.

Reviewers can be teachers of the Faculty or doctors of science who are distinguished scientific workers in the field of forestry or the field of biotechnical sciences.
At least one reviewer must be from another institution (outside the Faculty).

Article 28.

The article is sent to reviewers anonymously (without specifying the author of the article). Reviewers do not charge an author's fee for the work done.
After the review, the article is sent to the author anonymously without specifying the names of the reviewers (Double-Blind Peer Review).

Article 29.

Each issue of “Works” bears the full title “Works” in the official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in Latin script and English, the volume and issue number as well as the year of publication.
The inside of the front cover states: the title “Works” (in the official languages of BiH in Latin script and English), a short text about the scientific journal and the databases it refers to in English, the volume and issue number. They are also listed in the following order: name and headquarters of the publisher, editor-in-chief, deputy editor-in-chief, technical editor, president of the editorial board and other members of the editorial board, name and headquarters of the printing house, place and date of printing, number of copies.
On the inside of the second cover, there are abbreviated instructions for writing articles with the editorial address and email address, in the official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in Latin script, and English. On the outside of the second cover, the contents of the “Works” issue and the ISSN and eISNN numbers are stated.

Article 30.

The article published in “Works” bears a characteristic mark according to the UDK classification.
The article published in “Works” on the website of the works bears a characteristic mark according to the DOI (Digital Object Identification) classification.

Article 31.

Subscription to “Works”, distribution, and exchange is carried out according to special decisions of the competent bodies of the Faculty.

Article 32.

Changes to this Ordinance are possible and are carried out following the procedures for adopting internal acts of the Faculty.
Proposals for changes with explanations can be submitted to the Council by the chairs, editor-in-chief, and president of the editorial office.


Article 33.

This Ordinance enters into force on the day it is adopted by the Council, and is applied eight days after its publication on the Faculty notice board.

Article 34.

With the adoption of this Rulebook, the validity of the RULEBOOK ON THE WORK OF THE EDITORSHIP AND EDITORIAL BOARD OF THE JOURNAL “WORKS OF THE FACULTY OF FORESTRY IN SARAJEVO”, No: 01/1-760/14 from April 9, 2014. ceases to be valid.

Latest issue

Volume 54,

Issue 2,