ISSN: 1512-5769
E-ISSN: 2490-3183

Publication schedule

The Journal is published twice a year and accepts papers related to all aspects of forestry, horticulture, urban forestry, ecology, nature protection, hunting, and similar disciplines.

Printed editions are released in June/July and December of the following year.

All articles, once the review process is completed, will be published online before the print editions as FIRST ONLINE. As far as accepted and prepared in the final format, the papers are published online and may be assessed within the Early View section/Upcoming issue.

Average time of manuscript process:

–              Initial evaluation of manuscript approx. 2 weeks

–              Review process approx. 2 months

–              Plagiarism process and lecturer’s corrections approx. 3 weeks

–              Publication – text preparing and preparation for printing and publication – 1 month

The Open Access policy of the journal provides free access to full-text articles in pdf.

Latest issue

Volume 54,

Issue 2,