Energetic potential of wood biomass in Bosnia-Herzegovina


  • Branimir Jovanović Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Jusuf Musić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Ahmet Lojo Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo




renewable energy, wood biomass, energetic potential


UDK 630*33:620.91(497.6)

Since early hominids learned about fire and its power, the first pristine forest harvesting occurred. Thenceforth, until the present day, wood remains the most important source of energy. With the emergence of the fossil and nuclear fuel, the use of wood as energy source decreased, but generally speaking, wood remains the main source of energy for majority of humankind.

Technological progress in conversion of wood into thermal and electric energy, deeply enforced by recognized and valued ecological benefits, such as stabilization and decreasing of the greenhouse effect, has lead to renewal of interests in wood as energy source.

Furthermore, the use of biomass energy provides considerable possibilities for additional employment. In the EU, for instance, the anticipated energy production from biomass, for the year 2020, is 113 mtoe, which would make possible the opening of an estimate of 1,5 million new working positions.

In considering energetic options and an appropriate energy strategy for each country, it is necessary to know and understand its natural resources.

This paper is dealing with the assessment of the energetic potential of wood biomass in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the possibilities of its utilization. The results indicate that Bosnia and Herzegovina, relative to its area, has quite a vast energetic potential in wood biomass. The possibility for its more efficient utilization depends on the interest and readiness of the authorities to take steps in an appropriate education of the potential customers about all the advantages and facilities of its utilization, as well as to appropriately financially stimulate them.


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IAE ENERGY STATISTICS –www.iae.org/textbase/stats.

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01. 06. 2008.

How to Cite

Jovanović, B., Musić, J., & Lojo, A. (2008). Energetic potential of wood biomass in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 38(1), 91–98. https://doi.org/10.54652/rsf.2008.v38.i1.176

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