
  • Dženan Bećirović Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Amila Brajić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Bruno Marić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Sabina Delić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Špela Pezdevšek Malovrh Biotechnical Faculty University of Ljubljana
  • Mersudin Avdibegović Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo



High Conservation Value Forests, NATURA 2000, harmonisation, cross-sectoral cooperation, Vranica Mountain


UDK: 630*9:502.1(234.422 Vranica)

Nature conservation and sustainable management of forest resources become more important in Bosnia and Herzegovina, driven by the accession process toward the European Union as well as other international processes directed toward responsible management of forest resources. The forest certification has been widely adopted in the forestry sector and it implies meeting the sustainable forest management standard, whereas identification and proper management of high conservation value forests are one of the basic requirements. The NATURA 2000 ecological network is to become an important driver of reforms in the field of nature protection and forestry sector, due to the designation of new sites in forest area, which are under the responsibility of forestry institutions. This paper illustrates the scientific understanding of identification and management processes related to high conservation value forests that were proposed within potential NATURA 2000 habitats. The paper is based on analysis of main guiding principles for site designation and the role of the cross-sectoral approach applied identification and management of sites with high conservation value attributes. The case study research design was selected focusing on the Vranica Mountain due to recent activities implemented in this site. The in-depth face-to-face interviewing was used to collect qualitative data containing the key stakeholders' attitudes regarding the harmonization of NATURA 2000 habitats with the high conservation value forests – (HCVF), as well as the involvement of stakeholders in the processes of cross-sectoral cooperation. Results of this paper can be useful for the key forest and nature protection policy-makers, as well as to those responsible for managing of protected areas, or other stakeholders directly or indirectly involved in the process of identification and management of HCVFs and NATURA 2000 sites. Harmonisation of guiding principles and cross-sectoral cooperation during the identification and management of HCVFs and NATURA 2000 forest habitats enables the proper implementation of conservation and management measures based on sustainable forest management activities.


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01. 11. 2021.

How to Cite

Bećirović, D., Brajić, A., Marić, B., Delić, S., Pezdevšek Malovrh, Špela, & Avdibegović, M. (2021). IDENTIFICATION AND MANAGEMENT OF HIGH CONSERVATION VALUE FORESTS WITHIN POTENTIAL NATURA 2000 HABITATS: CASE STUDY VRANICA MOUNTAIN. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 49(1), 34–51.

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