diatoms, diatom indices, water quality, Bosnia and Herzegovina, OMNIDIAAbstract
UDK: 574.5(282.249 Bunica)
Research into the benthic diatoms in the Bunica River was performed during the period from 5th May 2013 to 9th January 2014 on three different sites, from the headwaters to the mouth. The Bunica River is located in the south-eastern part of the Mostar valley, in the south of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of this research was to test the use of benthic diatoms as indicators and the use of diatom indices as a tool for estimating water quality in an example of a small karstic river. For that purpose, diatom indices were calculated using OMNIDIA GB 5.3 software. This was the first testing of diatom indices for a small karstic river. Diatom indices showed different results and huge variations between sites on the Bunica River. According to the results, the indices in the OMNIDIA software are not applicable for karstic rivers in Bosnia and Herzegovina and they must be modified for this purpose. This paper can be the first step towards calibration indices for karstic region. Also, it can be useful for the development of biomonitoring tool for karstic rivers in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
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