Interaction between the effects of genetic structure and habitat conditions on douglas fir growth in provenance tests in Bosnia and Herzegovina


  • Mirzeta Memišević Hodžić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Dalibor Ballian Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Emina Šehović Šumarstvo „Ljuta“ Osik 861, 71210 Ilidža



Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirbel) Franco) is the most important and most productive species in Europe, outside its natural range. This study aimed to examine the presence of interaction between the effects of the genetic structure of provenances from the United States and Canada and three localities of provenance tests in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

For this research, we measured diameters at breast height of all trees, and heights of 10 trees per provenance in three tests of Douglas fir at the age of plants 32 years. Four provenances are represented in all three tests and additional two provenances in two tests.  We examined the variance between provenances and habitats using multivariate analysis, for four provenances in all three habitats, and six provenances in two habitats (Bosanska Gradiška and Zavidovići).

Multivariate analysis of variance for four provenances at all three localities showed that there were no statistically significant differences in diameters at breast height and heights caused by the interaction of provenances x localities. Multivariate analysis for six joint provenances at Bosanska Gradiška and Zavidovići tests showed that there were no statistically significant differences for diameter at breast height caused by interaction locality x provenance, and there were statistically significant differences caused by interactions of locality x provenances for height.

The obtained results can be used for the introduction of Douglas fir on predefined habitats that correspond to the conditions of the experimental plots, as well as for the selection of the best provenances for raising clone plantations or seed plantations.


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01. 12. 2020.

How to Cite

Memišević Hodžić, M. ., Ballian, D. ., & Šehović, E. (2020). Interaction between the effects of genetic structure and habitat conditions on douglas fir growth in provenance tests in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 50(2), 30–38.

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