ISSN: 1512-5769
E-ISSN: 2490-3183

Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo

The first issue of the Faculty of Forestry Journal (University of Sarajevo) was published in 1952 by the Faculty of Forestry and the Institute of Forestry in Sarajevo. Throughout its history, the magazine has changed its name several times:

– Works of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry in Sarajevo (1952 – 1958)

– Works of the Faculty of Forestry and the Institute of Forestry and Wood Industry (1959 – 1964)

– Works of the Faculty of Forestry and the Institute of Forestry in Sarajevo (1965 – 1981)

– Works of the Faculty of Forestry Sarajevo (1981 – 1998)

– Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo (1998 -)

Since 2009, the magazine has been published twice a year.

The Journal publishes scientific papers and reviews of scientific and professional papers about forestry, horticulture, ecology, nature preservation, hunting, and other areas important for the development of forestry and horticulture sector.

Papers that are reviewed and tested for plagiarism will be printed in English with a summary in one of the official B&H languages or in one of the official B&H languages with a summary in English.

The journal is abstracted and indexed in CAB Abstracts, Forestry Abstracts, EBSCO, Turkish Education Index, Crossreff, ROAD, Agris, DOAJ, Index Copernicus and Google Scholar.

The submissions are reviewed by at least two reviewers. Inclusion in other database lists for which the Journal is possible is expected in the coming period.

Latest issue

Volume 54,

Issue 2,