ISSN: 1512-5769
E-ISSN: 2490-3183

Publishing procedure

Publishing procedure

Radovi Šumarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu (ISSN: 1512-5769 E-ISSN: 2490-3183) is international the research and professional journal published on behalf of the Faculty of Forestry.

Journal is open access and peer-reviewed and doesn’t charge any fee for publishing and processing or downloading its contest.  All processing and publication costs are covered by Faculty of Forestry University Sarajevo.

It is published twice a year and open to papers covering various aspects of forestry, horticulture, urban forestry, ecology, nature preservation, wildlife management, and related disciplines.


The main steps of the publishing procedure and the editorial process in the Journal are:

Preparing the Manuscript

Before preparing the manuscript please read the journal's Aims and Scope to have an overview and to assess the contents of your manuscript within the scope of the Journal.

For more information, you may also read the journal’s Publication Ethics. Prepare your manuscript according to the Guidelines for Authors. You may also like to use the Manuscript Template for formatting and preparing the manuscript.

Submitting the Manuscript

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically by following the Manuscript Submission hyperlink. The entire submission and editorial process is carried out by using the Open Journal System and the appropriate on-line forms.

Also it is possible to send paper by email to official email address

Authors must fill up a COVER LETTER (which can be found in section FOR AUTHORS) with all necessary data.


Initial Editorial Evaluation

The editorial office makes the initial evaluation of the submitted manuscript, aiming to assess its suitability for the journal. If the manuscript is correctly prepared (Guidelines for Authors) and if its contents fit the scope of the journal, the manuscript undergoes a double-blind peer review process.

Double-Blind Peer Review Process

All submitted manuscripts fitting within the Journal’s scope are undergoing a double-blind peer review process, where authors and reviewers are mutually unknown. Manuscripts are internationally reviewed by at least two reviewers, experts in the field of the manuscript's topic.

Upon receiving and considering the reviewers’ reports, the editor will send a letter of response to the corresponding author.

If the editor's response calls for a revision, a revised manuscript should be sent to the editorial office in one month.

The revised versions of manuscripts submitted more than one month after the editor’s response will be treated as new submissions.

The revised manuscript may be sent for the second round of reviewing that is usually done by the same reviewers as the first round.

The Editor-in-Chief or the Managing Editor in collaboration with the Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision on the manuscript's publication. The authors will be informed about the final decision.

Average time of manuscript process:

  • Initial evaluation of manuscript approx. 2 weeks
  • Review process approx. 2 months
  • Plagiarism process and lecturer’s corrections approx. 3 weeks
  • Publication – text preparing and preparation for printing and publication – 1 month



All articles, once the review process is completed, will be published online before the print editions as FIRST ONLINE.

As far as accepted and prepared in the final format, the papers are published online and may be assessed within the Early View section/Upcoming issue.



Authors are required to agree to the Copyright Notice as a part of the submission process.

Unless otherwise noted, the Publishers retain the copyright on all papers published in the Journal (whether in print or electronic form), but allow anyone to download, reuse, reprint, distribute or copy them, as long as the original author and title are properly cited.

The Journal Radovi Šumarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu does not charge any fee .Works of

Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo is an Open Access journal and allows reuse of contents in accordance with a Creative Commons 4.0 licence (CC BY).

For more information about the license, please visit

Latest issue

Volume 54,

Issue 2,