Characteristics of honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) in the location of Una-Sana Canton


  • Sadbera Trožić-Borovac Faculty of Sciences University of Sarajevo
  • Rifat Škrijelj Faculty of Sciences University of Sarajevo
  • Sulejman Alijagić Faculty of Sciences University of Sarajevo



honey bee, cubital index, genetic material, queen bee, Carniolan honey bee, proboscis


UDK 638.12(497.6)

Due to its significance in the overall state economy based on the production of honey, wax and propolis in the European region, the honey bee Apis mellifera L. is represented in four breeds: dark Duch-German bee Apis mellifera mellifera Linne 1758, Caucasian honey-bearing bee A.m.caucasica Gorb., Carniolan bee, A.m.carnica Pollman 1879, and Italian bee A.m.ligustrica Spinola 1806. Based on the current data (Ćerimagić, 1990, Poturak, 2000) the honey bearing Carniolan bee, A.m.carnica is being raised in the apiaries of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The paper presents the results of some morphometric measurements (the length of proboscis and cubital index) that were performed at five apiaries in the area of Una-Sana Canton that were relevant for establishing the breed of the honey bearing bee. The measurement of the length of proboscis was performed at 300 bee units and have indicated that this parameter varies from 6,30 mm to 7,00 mm, with the mean value of 6,56 mm. The calculated values are typical for the Carniolan bee, A.m.carnica. The value of cubital index varied between 2,20 and 3,00 mm, with the mean value of 2,63, which is typical for the honey bearing Carniolan bee, A.m.carnica. Based on the data obtained from the owners of the apiaries the analyzed entities partially comprised the no-homogenous genetic system due to diverse origin of the queen bees. The area of the Una Sana Canton otherwise offers an optimal environment for the development of apiculture which will be properly regulated, and which will considerably contribute to prevention of spreading of some contagious diseases typical for European areas.


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01. 12. 2006.

How to Cite

Trožić-Borovac, S., Škrijelj, R., & Alijagić, S. . (2006). Characteristics of honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) in the location of Una-Sana Canton. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 36(1), 19–28.

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