Application of theoretical distributions on diameter structures of spruce (Picea abies Karst.) even-aged stands in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Diameter structures of spruce plantations in Bosnia-Herzegovina, distributed
in 10 years wide age classes, tend to have bell-shaped distribution of different forms.
Analysing an application of the theoretical distributions on the description of empirical
diameter structures, it is pointed out that it appears differences between the Gaussian,
the binomial, the Poisson, the beta and the Levakovic distribution. The best results
were achieved using the Gaussian and the beta distribution. Even, in young spruce
planttation, these distributions give better results then the Poisson and the binomial
ones, although there apper leptocurtic distributions. Beside, the Poisson distibution
folds over the binomial as its limited case. Also, it is evident that applied the
Levakovic function gives the same results as the beta function, what confirms an
assumption that Levakovic function is a modified beta function.
Results of x2 and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests demonstrate certain differences of fit-
ness for Gaussian, beta and Levakovic distributions for all ages. A good suitability of
these distributions is evident for cumulative Gaussian and beta distributions, especial-
ly for 21-30 and 31-40 age classes.
In conclusion, the Gaussian and beta functions give the best results for determination
of diameter structures of spruce plantations in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the age 10-
60 years.
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